
Commander ships with a number of pre-defined gesture / action sets that can be added to the active Application list as required.

The preset list is created from the commander preset folder structure held in the UPDD Application folder:

MacOS : /library/application support/updd/commander presets

UPDD V6: C:\Program Files (x86)\UPDD\commander presets
UPDD V7: C:\Program Files\UPDD\commander presets

This document clarifies the use of the various presets:

Group Preset  Description 
 Standard   These are the default set of applications defined in the Application List when Commander is first invoked
  All Applications - Full gesture set Default set of gestures and actions to mimic multi-touch trackpad usage
   Browsers - iOS emulation Configures the browsers to emulate iOS mode of operation - Single finger drag performs 'scroll' action.
   Dock Configures touches to be injected directly into the Dock to cater for direct control, especially when the Dock is magnified
   Finder Defines One Finger gestures and actions to those required by Finder irrespective of how All Applications is configured
   Maps Defines gestures and actions required to control Maps
   Notification Center Defines gestures and actions required to invoke and control the Notification Center
   UPDD Test Adds TUIO to the UPDD Test application to satisfy touches via TUIO when Test is running as a TUIO client application
 Optional   Alternative configurations for some of the standard application sets
   All Applications - Simple touch Select this to implement a system wide single touch mode with Click and Drag capabilities.
To implement click and point (ignore drag) change the One Finger Drag and Press gesture definitions to Click action:

   All Applications - TUIO Set UC to run as a TUIO client
   Browsers (TUIO) Configures the browser web content UI element to receive touch via TUIO. Needed to work with the UPDD TUIO bridge and cater for multi-touch browser applications
   Browsers (MacOS) Standard trackpad type browser interaction. Single finger drag performs 'click and drag' action.
 Custom   Custom applications to be added as required
 DAW  Live Defines gestures that fix issues when interaction with Live using touches, including sliders and dials not responding correctly.
   Studio One Configures TUIO interface. Studio one must have TUIO interface enabled.
   Yeco Configures TUIO interface. Yeco must have TUIO interface enabled.
   Logic Pro Configures multitouch volume sliders support
   Pro Tools Configures multitouch volume sliders support
It was observed that in some circumstances scrolling within Pro Tools produces fast scrolling with minimal movement on the touch screen. To cater for this, we added a new scrolling method, referred to as line-by-line, and this has been set as default:

We have tried to make scrolling behave as reasonably as possible, which Pro Tools does not make easy to do!

We have also added a UI element to Pro Tools preset, Track Group, that should hopefully apply when using gestures over track strips, and made two separate gestures within, one for dragging horizontally and one for dragging vertically, both set to scroll but with two different scroll speeds.

 General  Flexi-deck Defines gestures required to interact with the Flexi-deck onscreen menus. Two finger pinch and zoom to resize menus, two finger drag to move menus, two finger tap to generate right click (button macros can be associated with single and double left and right click).

   Powerpoint Defines single finger swipe left and right to left and right keystrokes to allow swipes to be used to move back and forth in presentation mode.

Addition application considerations 

Some default definitions may need adjustments to meet your specific usage as described below:

Application  Consideration 
 Browsers There are three browser group definitions within the presets; one that emulates iOS, one that runs as standard in MacOS and one that sets the browser group to utilise the TUIO server to work alongside the TUIO bridge extension.

Selecting either of these browser definitions from the presets will replace the existing one in the Application list.

In all cases the Group defines the most common Browsers used in MacOS (as seen in the Application List, group settings option for the select group):

In cases where you want to adjust the browser list to run in the selected mode of operation, you can use the above dialog to tailor the list using the '+' or '-' keys.

In situations where you want two (or more) browser definitions in the Application List you can manually add the browser to the list and define accordingly.

This way you could have one browser running as a TUIO client and another emulation iOS, as per this Chrome only TUIO example:

 Dock There are two considerations when using the Dock with touch control:

Firstly, if the Dock is hidden, it needs to be shown. This is normally achieved by 'pushing' the cursor to the extreme edge of the screen. With monitors/AIO systems that do not have a raised bezel this can normally be achieved with touch. Even with a raised bezel it can be achieved if you have an appropriate value in the UPDD Edge Adjust setting.

However, in some cases, it may be difficult or impossible to move the cursor to the edge of the screen. For example, if you are running an application in full screen mode and the application is configured in UPDD Commander such that the display area is scrolling rather than moving the cursor, then you cannot push the cursor to the edge of the screen. UPDD Commander caters for this situation by defining an All Applications gesture to invoke the Dock with a single swipe up from the edge of the touch screen, in this example the Dock is at the bottom of the screen:

Regarding the "Show Dock temporarily if hidden" option, there are a few points to consider:

  1. If the Dock is already visible, then the action doesn't do anything.
  2. Otherwise, it shows the Dock until the user clicks somewhere outside the Dock, or switches applications. Then the Dock is hidden again.
  3. If the Dock is already visible, this setting won't cause the Dock to become hidden once the user clicks somewhere else or switches applications.

If the Dock is located elsewhere, say the right-hand side, the gesture should be set to invoke the Dock with 'One Finger Swipe Left from screen edge'.

Secondly, once the Dock is on display there is a specific set of gestures defined that best control the Dock that cater for dock magnification:

Logic Pro
These presets configure the multitouch gesture function that allow multiple volume sliders to be adjusted at the same time.

Standard touch moves the sliders at a 'normal' speed. A keyboard modifier has been added to half the speed if the Shift key is engaged. These can be changed as required, or additional modifiers can be added.

The Adjust DAW Slider action, if added retrospectively, can be added from the All Touches gesture set:


Given that Logic reports its Smart Controls section as being scrollable, but we don't want drags to trigger scrolling, the UI element One Finger Tap set so that tap always clicks, and One Finger Drag always performs a click and drag. This allows manipulating the controls in this group. Without it, the "Scrollable areas" UI element gesture definitions would apply and dragging wouldn't work properly.

To add the Smart Controls group UI element to Logic, select "Specific UI element" in the dialog box for adding the UI element, and then mouse over a blank area of Logic Pro's smart controls UI, regardless of which instrument is selected, so that the entire area is highlighted by the dashed-line box.

To allow the sliders to work within the Smart Magnifier, the All Applications, Smart Magnifier 'custom' UI section must also contain the Adjust DAW Slider gesture:

ProTouch undo issue

Unfortunately, adjustments made to the sliders using the Accessibility API are not added to the undo queue, and are therefore not undoable. Adjusting sliders with a mouse or trackpad are undoable. We consider this a bug in Pro Tools.

Configures multi-touch volume sliders support
Configures multitouch volume sliders support