We have been asked on a few occasions how you might utilise multi-touch gestures in a browser application under macOS so they work the same as when using iOS or Windows.
The problem is that macOS doesn't have system-level touch events which it can pass to web browsers as HTML5 / Javascript touches. So while these pages will work with touch-enabled system like Windows or iPad (and similar) it can't work in macOS, even when using Apple’s magic trackpad.
Consequently, when performing gestures on a web browser, the gestures are processed by macOS itself and not by the underlying webpage, and therefore touches can't be used to control the webpage that the browser is displaying.
However, to cater for this requirement, we have undertaken some experimental work with a browser extension to offer multi-touch within a browser that utilises WebSockets and TUIO.
When using this extension with UPDD Commander it is important to switch the Browsers' configuration in Commander to utilise the TUIO configuration via the Presets option. UPDD Commander TUIO interface has an option to dispatch TUIO events using WebSocket protocol which is also on by default.
Obtaining and Configuring the Extension
The extension is available for Firefox and Chrome, as well as other Chrome-based browsers that are compatible with Chrome extensions. For those that wish to install the Chrome extension manually rather than going through the Chrome store, it is available as a crx file.
test link a crx file.
The Firefox extension was rejected from inclusion in their add-on site on the grounds that it was too specialized. The good news is that you can still install Firefox add-ons from downloaded files so the add-on is available here. After downloading the file at that link, drag and drop it on to Firefox to install the add-on.
When requesting this extension in Chrome you may see a warning that "this extension can read and change all your data on the websites that you visit". Chrome shows this warning because the extension has permission to modify individual web pages (i.e. by injecting a script that allows touches to work). If you have concerns you can view the source code to the extension and confirm it's not malicious. We hope that it also helps that there's a legitimate company behind this extension rather than an individual.
The extension has a number of different settings to try and cater for different use cases and to work around different issues involved with delivering touches to a webpage in macOS. These settings will open the first time the extension is loaded. They
can also be accessed using the following methods depending on your
- Open the Extensions tab by opening Chrome's main menu and
selecting "Extensions > Manage Extensions". Then click "Details"
under Touch-Base TUIO
Bridge. Then finally, click "Extension Options".
- Alternatively, you can click the "puzzle piece" icon positioned
to the right of Chrome's URL bar, click the three vertical dots next to
Touch-Base TUIO Bridge, and then pick "Options".
- Open Firefox's main menu, select "Extensions and Themes", select
"Extensions" on the left side of the window, click the three horizontal
dots next to Touch-Base TUIO Bridge, and then select "Preferences".
Extension Settings

By default it uses 'localhost' for the TUIO server host and port 3333, which matches the default settings for UPDD Commander. This means that both UPDD Commander and the extension should work together without any additional configuration, aside from using the "Browsers (TUIO)" preset in UPDD Commander.
The remaining settings determine how the extension will change the browser's behavior so that web pages can recognize that they're running on a touch-enabled system. By default, both Chrome and Firefox running on macOS will report to web pages that it is not a touch-enabled system, and therefore some pages will automatically disable their touch functionality. In order to get around this issue, you can configure the extension to report the browser as running in one of four different environments:
- Identify as Mac: When selected, there are no changes to the browser's behavior. It will report to the page that it is running on a Mac, and that there is no touch support. Some touch-enabled web pages will still work with this setting, but many won't.
- Identify as Mac with touch support: When selected, the browser will still report to web pages that they are running in macOS, but will also report that there is touch support. More touch-enabled web pages may work with this setting, and it has the advantage the pages are less likely to mistakenly think you're running on a platform other than macOS. However, many web pages will still disable their touch support because they think they're running on a mac. Other pages are designed to detect that they're running on an iPad by checking whether the browser reports it as running in macOS with touch support. (This is because, when browsing on an iPad, setting it to request "Desktop pages" will cause it to identify itself as a Mac with touch support.) And because an iPad typically doesn't have a mouse, this may cause some pages to disable their mouse support.
- Identify as iPad: When selected, the browser will report to web pages that it is running on an iPad. This can allow more touch-enabled web pages to work, because an iPad is a system that normally has touch support, and so pages that are designed to disable their touch support on non-touch systems will still keep their touch support enabled. However, it will have the side effect of some pages changing their look and feel because they think they're running on an iPad. It also means that some pages may disable their mouse support because an iPad doesn't typically have a mouse.
- Identify as Windows: When selected, the browser will report that it's running on a Windows system with a touch-screen. This can often be the most compatible for touch-enabled pages, because Windows is a platform that has both mouse and touch support. But it can also have the side effect of pages mistakenly thinking you're actually running on a Windows system.
Because each of these options has trade-offs, and there is no one option that works 100% of the time, you can change it to suit your needs. Moreover, you can customize the behavior on a per-site basis, since different pages will have different requirements. To add a site specific setting, simply enter a partial or full URL into one of the fields below "Site specific settings" and pick which of the four "Identify as" methods you want to use for that site. You can use the full URL of the page starting with http:// or https:// if you want it to only apply to that specific page, the portion of the URL applying just to the site (e.g. apple.com or www.google.com), or you can use an asterisk as a wildcard character, so that it can match URLs more easily. Here are some examples:
- apple.com - matches any site on apple.com, but not www.apple.com
- *apple.com - matches any site this is or ends with apple.com, including www.apple.com, support.apple.com, developer.apple.com, and so on
- https://borismus.github.io/mobile-web-samples/browser-ninja/ - matches just that specific page, and no others. Other pages on borismus.github.io will not match.
- https://www.google.com/search* - matches any URL that starts with https:///www.google.com/search, but won't match other pages on www.google.com that are not search results, such as https://www.google.com/maps
Case Study: Open Stage Control
One web page we tested with in particular is Open Stage Control, which is an open source OSC / MIDI controller that can be used for controlling external devices, often for stage performances. It can be used as a web page running inside the web browser that has full multi-touch support, allowing users to adjust sliders and dials with multiple touches. However, by default, it has no multi-touch support on macOS.
In order to get it running with the Touch-Base TUIO Bridge, it was necessary to have the extension change the browser's behavior so that it identified itself as Windows. This is because, when identifying as macOS, Open Stage Control's web interface would automatically disable its multi-touch features, thinking that macOS does not have multi-touch support. And while Open Stage Control does also support iPads, having the browser identify itself as an iPad caused it to disable mouse support, since an iPad doesn't typically have a mouse. So having the browser identify as Windows was the key to unlocking all of its mouse and multi-touch features.
However, it's not necessary to change any settings with the Touch-Base TUIO Bridge to cater for Open Stage Control. The extension will detect Open Stage Control's web interface automatically and have the browser identify as Windows for maximum compatibility.
Touch-Enabled Pages For Testing
Once installed, you can test with an appropriate touch-enabled website. During testing, we tested with :
In the first link, you can touch the screen and have it paint trails that follow your touches, as seen in this dual touch demo:

UPDD Commander is configured on a per-application basis, and when using the "Browsers (TUIO)" preset will only convert touches that fall within the browser to TUIO, without any other gesture processing. It allows customising its precise behavior on a per-gesture, per-application basis, so you can still configure gestures for browsers or other TUIO-enabled applications at the same time it's converting touches to TUIO.
The extension currently has a few limitations:
- It can't distinguish between which display a touch comes from, so all touches are assumed to come from the display containing the browser window.
- It can only receive touches from one source, meaning it's not possible to have multiple browser windows receiving touches from different touch devices simultaneously.
- There's no option to set touches to be scaled -- all touches are processed as unscaled -- though such an option could be added fairly easily if required.
Application Development with Embedded Browsers
In development environments where you might be using an embedded HTML interpreter, such as with Electron or a WKWebView, you may also wish to receive touch data into your application.
We are not sure what sort of security restrictions are imposed within the page when running in these environments, but since it's not a browser specific application, we think it should be more lenient.
One possibility to receive touch events is to try using this TUIO JavaScript library linked on the main TUIO page:
You could also check out the source code for our TUIO browser extension and see whether that could be adapted to work in your webpage.
The extension source is not publicly available, but it's not protected and can be downloaded and viewed from within a browser.
Multiple monitor support
A customer wanted two touch monitors to use the browser TUIO extension simultaneously. They 'Identified' both touch monitors in the driver but the TUIO extension processed all touches on monitor 1.
Unfortunately, the TUIO extension can only listen for TUIO touches from a single TUIO server, so there's no way to get it to distinguish between touches on two monitors in the same web browser.
However, what is possible is to use two web browsers, one for each monitor. We suggest using Chromium, Opera or Brave, all of which are also Chrome-based browsers, or Firefox. All of these are already configured to work with UPDD Commander browser presets. (Safari can't be used since we don't have a TUIO extension for it.) It's also possible to run multiple instances of both Chrome and Firefox each of which use different extensions, using its profiles feature. (See this page for Chrome and this page for Firefox that documents how to use their profiles feature.)
Whichever browser it is, install the relevant Touch-Base TUIO Extension. In the TUIO extension settings configure one browser to use port 3333 and the second to use port 3334.
Now in UPDD Commander, find the "Convert touches to TUIO" gesture under Browsers / Safari and Chrome web content, click its advanced options button, and check "Configure TUIO servers separately for each device". Set one device to use port 3333 and the other to use port 3334. Now touches from each monitor should go into one browser specifically, and you can arrange the browser windows accordingly.
The customer reported this worked well.
Extension version history
1.2.1 (27th August 2024)
- Fixed a bug where the button / buttons properties of the PointerEvents and MouseEvents generated by the extension did not have correct values
1.2.0 (8th July 2024)
- Added feature for changing how the browser identifies itself for better compatibility with touch-enabled pages, both for the whole browser and for specific sites
- The Javascript method setPointerCapture now works with touches that originate from TUIO.
1.1.0 (27th May 2024)
- The extension for Chrome now uses "Manifest v3" and therefore will continue working in later versions of Chrome
- Fixed a bug where some pages wouldn't work with touches at all
- Fixed an issue where pages in Chrome would have touches fall within the wrong place
- Touches now work in web pages embedded within other web pages (aka iframes)
- Pages that expect "pointer" events will now work
- Overrides the browser's default behavior so that queries for whether the browser supports touch will report that it does
1.0.1 (31st March 2022)
- Fixed a bug where touches wouldn't be sent to every active tab on all windows
1.0.0 (7th May 2019)