The driver will issue various notifications during the operation of the software.
The driver utilises its own notification function that is handled by the UPDD Daemon process and mimics the standard system notification format for the OS, such as this UPDD notification issued on a Mac system:

Notifications fall into 3 categories, General, warnings and critical as described below
General: |
General status messages |
Warning: |
Used to inform when user intervention might be needed for a configuration setting |
Critical: |
Informs when evaluation limits are exceeded or there is a critical issue blocking the operation of the driver |
The list of issued notifications is described below.
Category |
Notification |
Description |
General |
UPDD device connected |
A UPDD device has been discovered |
UPDD device disconnected |
A UPDD device has been disconnected |
Identifying monitors; please don't use touch or mouse |
Windows - Driver is setting up monitor metrics in multi monitor setup |
Monitor identification complete |
Windows - Multi-monitor setup complete |
Monitor assignment requires a reboot |
Windows - Reboot is required to complete monitor assignment |
Warning |
Please run identify, click here for more information |
There is a possibility that the touch/desktop association is incorrect |
Change of OS version, UPDD update may be required. Click here to close
Updated OS could adversly affect touch functionality |
No mouse interface; reboot may be required |
Windows - mouse interface (tbupddsu) connection can not be opened |
No touch interface; reboot may be required |
Windows - touch interface (upddvh) connection can not be opened.
This may be as a result of a missing TabletInputService.
The tablet component is deemed to exist if the registry entry HKLM\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\services\TabletInputService branch exists.
If this does not exist, you may need to enable it in the system. |
No devices connected |
Issued by Calibrate if no devices are found |
Critical |
Failed to activate the UPDD System Extension. |
MacOS - Issued if the UPDD System Extension cannot be activated |
Failed to deactivate the UPDD System Extension |
MacOS - Issued if the UPDD System Extension cannot be deactivated |
Unable to register KEXT, click here for more information |
MacOS - Issued if the UPDD kernal extension (kext) can not be loaded |
nnn touch limited expired; reboot to continue |
Evaluation touch session limits have been reached |
The evaluation period has expired |
Evaluation time limit has been reached |
Evaluation: 20 touches remain until restart needed |
Warning that the evaluation touch session limit is near completion |
The package license has expired |
The installer validity date has expired |
License check failed |
The license key is not related to the software bundle installed |
Config error no hidrd |
Error reading touch configuration data from HID touch device |
Some notifications need to be acknowledged before they are removed from the screen. Some will also indicate that they will show additional support information once acknowledged. These notifications carry the text 'click here for more information'. If the system is online your default browser will be invoked to show the relevent support article.
Disabling notifications
General and warning notifications can be disabled if required using the setting minimum_notify_level in the UPDD Console, Advanced, Setting dialog or by using the command
upddutils nodevice set minimum_notify_level n
when n = 1 issue warning and critical only, 2 critical only. Any other value implies 0 - all notifications are issued.