Sound support

​This feature is currently only supported in Windows OS

Sounds can be associated with touch down and lift off to give audible feedback on touch.

The global 'nodevice' setting sound.file.n defines a sound file that is either held in the UPDD Application folder or the Windows system folder by specifying the placeholder notation as follows:

<app> the UPDD Application folder 
<win> the Windows system folder

upddutils nodevice set sound.file.1 "<app>\sound\beep.wav"

upddutils nodevice set sound.file.2 "<app>\sound\boop.wav"

Once the sound files are defined device settings sound.touch and sound.lift are used to associated the touch process with a specific sound file

These device settings contain an index number of the sound file to play:

upddutils set sound.touch 1 
upddutils set sound.lift 2 

For each touch there is a request to the OS to play the associated sound file. Depending on the system speed and resource configuration there may be short delay before the sound file loads and begins to play. There is also the duration of the sound file to take into consideration. It is important that the selected sound file does not have any silence at the beginning of the file as this will also delay sound being heard. With rapid touches each sound request will cancel any currently playing sound file so rapid, fast touches can result in truncated sounds or none being heard at all.​

To associate different sounds on touch and lift off for device 1:

Note - the sound files settings are global 'nodevice' settings whereas the touch and lift file associations are device settings!


When using sound files associated with touch functions it is worth noting that for each touch there is a request to the OS to play the associated sound file. Inevitably there is a short delay before the sound starts and also there is the duration of the sound file to take into consideration. With rapid touches any sound operation still being performed is cancelled with the current sound request so with rapid, fast touches, each sound play request is being cancelled by the next request, which can result in truncated sounds or none at all.​
When using sound files associated with touch functions it is worth noting that for each touch there is a request to the OS to play the associated sound file. Inevitably there is a short delay before the sound starts and also there is the duration of the sound file to take into consideration. With rapid touches any sound operation still being performed is cancelled with the current sound request so with rapid, fast touches, each sound play request is being cancelled by the next request, which can result in truncated sounds or none at all.​