This driver is available for environments where a source driver is required rather than the binaries installed with the standard UPDD driver. The driver could be made available for any OS but is currently only available for Linux. Should a source driver be required for a different OS please contact us to discuss your requirements.
There are potentially two sets of costs involved.
- The cost of the source code – which we do not distribute under a GNU GPL license. Our license allows you full access to the source code for your own use as you see fit, including modifications, and caters for unlimited distribution with your systems, hardware etc. The license fee includes adding support for the touch device support in your project. It does not allow for onward distribution of the source code.
- Cost of any modifications required to satisfy your requirements not covered by the license fee, such as a touch interface method not supported or specialised requirements, such as a new operating system.
Please contact Sales,, to discuss your specific requirements. The source code and deliverables will be tailored to your exact needs.
The source code is supplied under licence to be used in systems directly associated with the purchaser of the license or its subsidiaries and customers. The source is not supplied under a GNU GPL license and therefore should not be made available to a wider audience. Each source module carries the following copyright notice that should not be removed:
PURPOSE: Generic pointer device driver
The use or distribution of this software without express written
permission of the author is strictly prohibited.
This document describes the current implementation of our source offering, initially for Linux. Others will be documented as appropriate.
Our standard Linux driver installs binary modules and this is very useful for pre-configured Linux systems, non technical user, UPDD API interface, multiple controller support, simple installation etc. However, we recognise that some Linux integrations require the driver to be available in source code. To this end we have written an extensible source solution that can be modified to interface with Linux touch implementations as requested. This driver is made available, at a cost, to touch screen manufacturers and integrators on a per request basis.
Release Notes
Linux has a number of touch interfaces such as X – single and multi touch, TSlib, TUIO, evtouch, evdev and others. Then of course there are the 100’s of different touch protocols implement by different touch devices. These release notes reflect the support we have implemented with each release:
May 2010
Tslib interface, serial controller support
Zytronic ZXY100 protocol definition
Sept 2010
X interface, generic calibration routine, USB controller support, EEprom calibration storage
Zytronic ZXY protocol definition
Dec 2010
Support Data Modul USB
API added, demo program
Feb 2011
EEprom read and write API
June 2011
ELO Smartset USB and Serial definitions added
April 2013
Add virtual HID (uinput) support
Dec 2014
Add TRS USB support
1.0.7 |
April 2017 |
Add RDDS serial support |
2.0.1 |
March 2023 |
Add KeeTouch, KCA Series, Serial support |
The full driver suite is delivered in a compressed file opdd.tgz and consists of the following files:
Settings file - can be found in the "driver" directory of the OPDD source package
Interface module
General utilities program
Generic calibration program if required. i.e. TSlib has its own calibration program and utilities
Firmware utility for Zytronic ZXY100 controller
Only those modules relevant to your requirements will be delivered.
The software is distributed in source form. You will need to compile the software and libraries for the target system.
Tslib, available here, is an abstraction layer for touch screen panel events, as well as a filter stack for the manipulation of those events. It was created by Russell King, of Examples of implemented filters include jitter smoothing and the calibration transform.
Tslib is generally used on embedded devices to provide a common user space interface to touch screen functionality. It is supported by Kdrive (aka TinyX) and OPIE as well as being used on a number of commercial Linux devices“
We have written the modules required to interface touch hardware to the Tslib abstraction layer so that any Tslib based Linux distribution or Tslib based applications will function as expected.
The X Window System (commonly known as X or X11) provides a windowing layer and manages the pointer device.
We have written an X interface to generate system pointer motion and mouse click emulation.
Virtual HID
Creates a Virtual touch device and passes stylus data via this device.
Library utilisation
OPDD utilises a number of software libraries:
inter process communication library
LibUSB |
USB device interface
Development and graphics
Step by step build installation instructions:
You must install the relevant libraries on your Linux development system as outlined below.
ACE is a low level inter process communication library used by the driver and its modules. For basic processors, such as X86, we can supply the ACE library in binary format if required.
Download from the LibACE Web page
OPDD uses ACE lib 5.6.2
This is considered an old version of the ACE library which is currently available from
A convenient way to get this file is
Build instructions are here
There are compatibility issues with later versions of ACE so it is likely that ACE libraries supplied as part of a Linux distribution are unlikely to be compatible.
One customer reported patches (with GCC 4.4.4) were needed before they were able to build ACE.
Another customer had issues building the ACE library in their environment and based on these issues we make these recommendations:
1) ACE offers two build methods, autoconf and traditional. We generally find the traditional makefile method works best.
2) If using the traditional makefile method then we suggest config-linux.h be used unless there is a more obviously relevant header for your target.
3) Some C++ compilers have trouble compiling the “dirent” functions. If compilation errors are seen that reference dirent then please use the patched file here.
4) Add the following macro to the start of config.h. This excludes an un-needed part of the ACE library that gives compile issues in some cases.
5) If compiling on an unusual target using the traditional makefile method you might need to make changes to the ACE option macros to enable the software to build correctly.
Centos 7
The following specific configurations were found to be needed to build ACE on Centos 7
1) Create an empty file /usr/include/stropts.h
2) In config.h add the following
Utilised when handling USB devices - libusb 1.0.x required. Version 1.0.6 was used in our development.
If this library is not installed edit the file, to remove references to USB.
From remove
SOURCES += linuxusb.cpp
HEADER += linuxusb.h
And all occurrences of -lusb and OPDD_LINUX_USB
This library may be supplied as standard as part of the Linux distribution as many recent Linux distributions have started shipping this library by default on their CD/DVD image. You may still need to select and install the library from the CD/DVD/Internet repository
You will require gcc version 4.0.0 or later to compile this library. Extract the library source code and then run the required commands to configure, compile and install the library from the main library folder. The command sequence is typically:
# cd libusb-1.0.0
# ./configure
# make
# make install
# ln -s /usr/local/lib/ /usr/lib/
These commands may differ depending on distribution. Complete configuration information is available from the libusb links or distribution suppliers.
Users of libusb should take care to comply with the terms of the GNU LGPL as it applies to the intended usage, details are available from
QT library
Utilised by the calibration and general utilities program.
Version 4 required:
4.6.3 was used in our initial development - this was available at
4.7.1 was used for more recent deployments -
Configure build and install qt as follows:
./configure -opensource -no-webkit -nomake demos -nomake examples
gmake install
This library may be supplied as standard as part of the Linux distribution. If using the Qt4 library distributed then it may be necessary to modify the file "oputils/" to change the search path for the Qt header files and libraries.
If it is necessary to download and build the library then building and configuration information is available from the suppliers.
Integrate OPDD module into Tslib
This optional module is only required if tslib support is required. If you don’t know what this is you likely do not require it.
1. Copy the file “opdd.c” to the “plugins” subdirectory within your tslib source tree.
2. Modify the file “plugins/ to add the following lines:
Add the above lines after the similar section for “ENABLE_INPUT_MODULE”
3. Modify the line “pluginexec_LTLIBRARIES = \ …..” to add “$(OPDD_MODULE) \”
pluginexec_LTLIBRARIES = \
-Add the lines:-
opdd_la_SOURCES = opdd.c
opdd_la_LDFLAGS = -module $(LTSDN).
You should put the above lines after the line which reads:
“input_la_LDFLAGS = -module $(LTSDN)”
4. Modify the file “” in the root of the tslib source tree to add the following lines:-
AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether OPDD module is requested]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(input,AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-opdd],
[Enable building of OPDD module (default=yes)]),
AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_OPDD_MODULE, test "$opdd_module" = "yes")
You should add the above lines after the line:
“AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_INPUT_MODULE, test "$input_module" = "yes")”
5. You can now follow the tslib instructions to build and install the library, plugins, and demo programs.
(e.g. ./ && configure && make && make install)
If, as part of the OPDD integration, you make any changes to the ts_conf file, please be aware it is sensitive to unexpected spaces.
1. Extract the opddxxx.tgz, e.g.
cd ~
tar -xzf opddxxxx.tgz
You will need to decide where you want to install OPDD. The default location is “/opt/opdd”
Note that on some systems we have seen permissions issues when extracting opdd.tgz.
To avoid this extract opdd.tgz as root then execute the commands
cd opdd
chown -R <yourusername> *
The next 2 steps are only required if tslib is used
2. Open the file “driver/linuxtslispointer.cpp” and find the line :
#define TSLIB_COM_PIPE "/opt/opdd/tslibPipe".
3. Modify this to reflect your installation location.
Build OPDD Project
1. Open a terminal
2. Change to the scripts directory in the source tree. eg “cd opdd/scripts”
3. Type “perl Full” to generate a full build (clean, rebuild automake files, build). or “perl Partial” to do a partial build (build). If any errors occur you can check the file “opdd/build-master-linux.log” to find out more detail (the output is also in ./<project>/.tmp.log.)
Note: in some cases we will have seen the build script not work.
An alternate if this occurs is to run build against each component
cd ../driver
cd ../calibrate
4. The “opdd” binary will be copied to the “opdd/release_linux” directory. You should copy this file to the installation directory you chose in the previous section.
5. Copy the opdd.ini file to opdd.ini in the installation directory.
Running the software
OPDD can be executed in any manner that is appropriate to your implementation - subject to any limitations imposed by the interface).
Typically, to run the OPDD driver type <installdir>/opdd” e.g. “/opt/opdd/opdd”
To run any of the tslib demo programs you must set the input device first.
You do this by typing the following command into the terminal:-
“export TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/opt/opdd/tslibPipe”
You can change the “/opt/opdd” section in the above command to reflect the installation path you have chosen. You can now run any of the tslib demo programs. eg “ts_print”, “ts_demo”, etc. To calibrate, run the demo program “ts_calibrate”.
For more information about these demos see the tslib documentation.
X Interface
OPDD considerations for X
Users must have permission to be able to connect to the server running on the machine otherwise the driver cannot make a connection to X and subsequently will fail to move the pointer. Further, OPDD needs to be executed by a user who has root permissions.
Running the software
OPDD can be executed in any manner that is appropriate to your implementation - subject to any limitations imposed by the interface. The following notes are for guidance and refer to implementing on "standard" platforms. For convenience we supply a script to allow autolaunch of OPDD under X.
The file "driver/startopdd" should be copied to the install directory (e.g./opt/opdd) and made executable (chmod 755 /opt/opdd/startopdd).
The file /opt/opdd/opdd should be given root permissions ("chmod +s /opt/opdd/opdd")
If X is only being used by a single user (in the case of a media player device, etc) then:
The "$HOME/.xinitrc" of the user who will be running X should be modified to add the line "/opt/opdd/startopdd &"
If X is being used by many users and will be using a display manager then:
The file "/etc/gdm/Init/Default" should be modified to add the line "/opt/opdd/startopdd &" at the end.
User experiences
Useful user feedback or comment is documented here:
Serial Devices
You can configure the serial port that your touch screen is attached to by modifying the .opdd.ini file and changing the “port=ttyS0” line. E.g. to connect to the second com port change the line to “port=ttyS1”
Settings file
The settings file opdd.ini contains the settings used by the driver. These are documented below:
Driver settings
number of devices
number of devices supported by this package, must be 1 in current implementation
scale coordinates
When true co-ordinates are scaled according to calibration data and monitor size, set to false to pass thru co-ordinates to the pointer module unchanged (e.g. when using a 3rd party pointer system)
TCP/IP port address for inter process communications
Stabilises pointer jitter. The value is expressed in pixels. E.g. with a value of 10 (hex) movements less than 16 pixels from the previous recorded point is treated as unchanged. This results in no cursor movement until a >16 difference is seen.
Device settings
Baud rate when configured for a serial device
Calibration X data
Calibration Y data
connection type
Selects the opdd module to use to communicate with the device e.g. USB = OPDD_LINUX_USB
Data bits when configured for a serial device
monitor height
Height of monitor in pixels used when scaling is in effect.
The calibrate utility sets this value
monitor width
Width of monitor in pixels used when scaling is in effect.
The calibrate utility sets this value
Selects the opdd module to which output is directed – e.g. X = OPDD_LINUX_X_POINTER
Parity when configured for a serial device
USB product id when configured for a USB device
Com port name
protocol tag
Defines firmware protocol in use
No of stop bits when configured for a serial device
USB vendor id when configured for a USB device
write eeprom after cal
Indicates if calibration is automatically stored in controllers eeprom – 0 = no, 1 = yes
End of file marker
A number of calibration options are available under Linux and will be utilized with OPDD as required.
Calibration utility
Use the associated ts_calibrate program.
We supply program "calibrate" which is used to initially calibrate the screen. A series of 4 points will be displayed which you need to touch.
The general utility is called "oputils". This module implements utility functions as required.
This utility uses the QT4 library. If using the Qt4 library distributed as part of the Linux distribution then it may be necessary to modify the file "oputils/" to change the search path for the Qt header files and libraries.
Running oputils with no argument lists current options.
Pass the function parameter as required: oputils [parameter], e.g. optuils writeeepromcal.
Options that return data will output the value to stdio if not specified.
This allows the storing and retrieving of EEPROM data
Controller support will be added as required.
Sept 10
Zytronic Zypos (ZXY)USB controller supported
Dec 10
Data Modul, EasyTouch, USB controller supported
Feb 11
EEprom read and write functions added
EEprom Storage
Store the current driver calibration data on the controller EEPROM for retrieval at a later date.
EEprom Retrieval
Read stored calibration data from the controller EEPROM and use it as the current calibration settings.
1.The storage of EEPROM calibration data can be automated by modifying the .opdd.ini file and changing the "write eeprom after cal" setting to 0x00000001.
EEprom Read
readeeprom <val>
Reads data from eeprom
Example: ‘Oputils readeeprom 1 0 4’ returns 4 bytes of data starting at address 0 on device 1
EEprom Write
writeeeprom <val>
Writes data to eeprom
Example: ‘opuutils writeeeprom 1 0 FF FE FD FC FB FA writes the 6 bytes 0xff – 0xfa to address 0 – 5 on device 1
- The underlying read / write code must be relevant to the controller in use as firmware eeprom read / write commands will be specific to each controller type.
- The source code of oputils serves as a source example should you need to read or write to eeprom from your own code.
We also can supply / develop source utilities as required. This section lists available specialised utilities:
Zytronic ZXY100 serial firmware setting updates
Utility used to update firmware settings in the Zytronic ZXY100 serial controller. This is supplied when using the ZXY100 serial controller.
The list of supported firmware commands is:-
The sensitivity of the touch screen is controlled using the Sensitivity and Threshold parameters below:
{sensitivity [n]}
The Coarse sensitivity can be changed between Option 1 to 4. This should be initially used to set the overall coarse sensitivity of the sensor with the different options relating to the sensor glass/overlay glass thickness used (guideline glass thickness is displayed in millimetres along side each Option 1 to 4). Increasing the Coarse Sensitivity will make the touch sensor more sensitive to an applied touch.
{threshold [n]}
The Threshold control can then be used to set the fine sensitivity of the sensor. The Threshold can be changed between a value of 12 and 100. Increasing the Threshold will make the sensor less sensitive to an applied touch and decreasing the threshold value will make the sensor more sensitive to an applied touch.
Please note:the Threshold control has the inverse affect to that of the Coarse sensitivity control.
{equalise }
This forces the touch screen controller to normalise all the wire levels within the sensor and take these normalised levels as new reference values for processing information.
{factoryreset }
This will initiate a reset of the touch screen controller. After execution the controller may take a few seconds to re-establish full operation to an applied touch.
{restore }
Restore factory default settings
{version }
Return firmware version number
{update xxx.zyf }
Update controller’s firmware from firmware update file
options that take an optional numeric value [n] will:
#set the value if specified
#output the current value to stdio if not specified
Application Programming Interface
OPDD supports a programming interface to allow client programs to communicate with the driver.
The API is implemented by the Client class and communicates with the driver using a TCP/IP link bound to localhost (
The driver supports a number of commands which are implemented in ./drier/command.cpp.
These are mainly for internal use and not documented. A programmer can use this (and the corresponding client side code in the supplied source) to extent the API as needed.
The supported commands are encapsulated in the public methods of the Client class:
public Client::Client();
The constructor for the client class.
Takes no arguments.
public Client::~Client();
The destructor for the client class.
Any open session is closed and stream mode terminated (output is directed to the system mouse interface).
public int Client::open();
Opens the TCP/IP link to the driver.
Defaults to port 4142, but this can be altered in the.opdd.ini file if one exists in the working directory.
Returns 0 for success, -1 for failure.
public bool Client::StartStreamTouch();
Initiates stream touch mode. All touch data is directed to this client instead of the system mouse interface.
Returns false in the event of an error.
public bool Client:: ReadStreamTouch(int& x,int& y,int& stylus,bool& touching
Reads data from the touch stream (initiated by StartStreamTouch())
x – returns the x co-ordinate for the current touch location
y – returns the y co-ordinate for the current touch location
stylus – for a multi touch controller returns the stylus number (0 for non multi-touch)
touch – returns true if contact is currently taking place
Returns true if data is returned.
This function is expected to be called in worker thread and returns false ever second or so to allow an opportunity for thread termination.
public bool Client::WriteEEPROM(int aDevice, int address, int length, const unsigned char* data);
If the device identified by aDevice supports eeprom writes then the data of specific length is written to the address specified.
The meaning of “address” and the valid values will be dictated by the controller implementation.
NB opdd currently only supports a single device, so aDevice must be 1.
public bool Client::ReadEEPROMProlog(int aDevice, int address, int length);
If the device identified by aDevice supports eeprom reads then a read operation for data of specific length at the address specified is initiated. The caller should wait for the completion of this operation using the “eepromcalstate” command, then use ReadEEPROMEpilog to complete the read.
The meaning of “address” and the valid values will be dictated by the controller implementation.
See oputils source code for a detailed example of the use of this api.
NB opdd currently only supports a single device, so aDevice must be 1.
Public bool Client::ReadEEPROMEpilog(unsigned char* data);
Complete a read operation initiated by Client::ReadEEPROMProlog(). The data is copied to the addressed by the data argument.
This must be a caller provided block of memory of (at least) the size specified by the length argument to Client::ReadEEPROMProlog()
Example code
The following code reads touch data in a worker thread.
This is taken from the Scribble example described below.
ACE_THR_FUNC_RETURN ReadThread(void* aArg)
Client client; // construct a client interface object
if( == -1) //open a connection with the driver
return(0); // something when wrong, bale out
if(!client.StartStreamTouch()) // start touch mode
return(0); // something when wrong, bale out
TouchEvent* t = new TouchEvent;
if(client.ReadStreamTouch(t->x,t->y,t->stylus,t->touching)) // read the touch data
QApplication::postEvent( (QWidget*)aArg, t); // do something with the data read
{ // in the idle state ReadStreamTouch() will return false every second or so to allow thread termination to take place
Example program
An example program is available to illustrate the use of the touch stream mode.
Scribble, located in ./examples/scribble, is an adaptation of the Qt scribble example.
Full instructions to build Qt examples are available in the Qt documentation, but generally you will use the following commands from the scribble directory
make (or nmake on Windows)
Run the application to see the application shown below. This is a multi touch aware drawing application.
The current example supports a maximum of 2 touches, but the API itself is unlimited.

For further information or technical assistance please email the technical support team at