Unregister a licence


A licence key is associated with a specific system. Normally a licence key is associated with one system, but the same key can be associated with more than one in some circumstances.

Once a licence key has exhausted its system allocation, it cannot be used on any other systems until it is released/unregistered from an existing system.

Should you need to replace or re-image a system that utilises the licence key it is important that you first unlock the key so it can be reused.

This can be performed by running the command 'upddutils unregister' in a command / terminal window as described here.

By default, you can unlock and reuse a licence 4 times in any 12-month period, this can be increased if required. Contact Touch-Base to discuss your requirements.

However, in cases where the system is unavailable, you can use this link to enter the licence key or your email address to request the licence key be unlocked.

If the licence key is found, then an email will be sent to the registered email address associated with the key to complete the process.

If the entered licence key or email is associated with more than one system, you will be asked to supply further information to help identify the system.

To register the software once the key is unlocked, go to the UPDD menu bar/system tray icon, select Register and "Enter a licence key" and paste in the licence key. ** See note 3 below

Important notes:

  1. When a key is unregistered, the key is flagged as available for reuse, but the association with the 'last active' system is also retained. If the driver is reloaded, such as a system reboot, and the key has not been associated with another system hence still available, the licence key will be automatically picked up again from the licence server. To avoid this, you should uninstall the software.

  2. If the software is uninstalled with an active licence key, the key is unregistered and flagged as available for reuse, but the association with the 'last active' system is also retained such that if the software is reinstalled the licence key will be automatically picked up from the licence server. With earlier versions of the software, the key was not unlocked during an uninstallation.

  3. Licence keys allow for lifetime usage of the software but not lifetime support and upgrades. When a licence key is purchased it comes as standard with 3 months support and maintenance, that can be increased to 1, 3 and 5 years at the time of purchase. As long as the licence key is within the maintenance period, you can download and install the latest release of the software from our download page. If the licence key maintenance period has expired, and you use the key with software released after the expiry date, you will be informed of either a 'Licence key failure' or 'Licence Key Expired' message. In this situation, you either have to install the original software you purchased or purchase an extension to your maintenance period.