UPDD software utilities require that the correct environment be set.
If you do not set the correct environment you will likely see the error "error while loading shared libraries" when running the utilities, such as:
“ error while loading whiles shared libraries: libupddapi.so.1 …”
Setting the correct environment is most easily achieved by entering the command:
/opt/updd/upddenv bash
This creates a bash shell with the correct environment.
In this example we use the UPDD Command Line Interface to list registered devices

In some environments Bash shell is not working as expected so commands need to be preceded with ./upddenv. e.g. for the above command you would need to run ./upddenv ./upddutils devices. This was observed in Puppy Linux.
You can of course replace bash with your shell of choice.
Some commands that make setting changes may require the driver to be restarted to take affect. This can be achieved as follows:
sudo systemctl stop updd (stop the driver)
sudo systemctl start updd (start the driver)
To see the environmental settings set by updddev you can use the Cat command to view the contents as shown below:

Running UPDD diagnostics
To help identify touch related issues we have created a diagnostics procedure that gathers appropriate information that can help as part of the investigation.
The command line interface can also be used to invoke diagnostics:

Note that on some Linux systems diagnostics fails due to a missing Desktop folder, although the diagnostic process attempts to create it.
If you see a failure message try creating this folder and try again: