
Touch-Base Support

Mouse emulation issues with May/June 2021 security patch

Dave Bhattacharjee

​Since UPDD 6.0.724 we are able to inform Windows the default monitor metrics processing as advised by Microsoft and therefore we no longer need to check KB status or Windows build. However, we have retained the setting 'primary_is_whole_desktop' as an override just in case it is needed in the future. This defaults to “true”. 

The UPDD driver uses two interfaces to post touch data into the OS, Mouse and HID (Touch).

Many users of UPDD in Windows use UPDD because they need touch to function in mouse emulation mode.

To post data into the OS the driver has to have a view of the monitor layout (monitor metrics), especially in a multi-monitor environment, such that the point of touch can be activated at a specific location on the correct monitor.

A Windows update to edition 16299 changed the monitor metrics such that we had to revamp the way the mouse interface posted data. Following this change the driver utilised two different methods, depending on the Windows edition in use.

In May/June 2021 another Windows update to edition 19041 reverted to the previous monitor metrics layout such that the driver needed an additional Windows edition test.

The Windows command 'ver' shows the edition in use

C:\Program Files (x86)\UPDD>ver
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19042.1052]

Users that applied the full update were running Windows build 19041 or above but we also discovered that users that had only applied certain security patches, thus retaining earlier edition numbers, also experienced issues with mouse emulation.

With UPDD 6.0.712 there is now a test for patches KB5000736, KB5003646, KB5003711 and if the Windows build is 19041 or above then use the previous mouse emulation method in these cases.

With this change there is now a restriction on the interface method used with UPDD devices such that they must all either be set to use Mouse emulation or HID interface. They cannot be mixed. We could address this issue but in practice users use one or the other with no need to mix.

If this issue is seen with Mouse emulation despite using UPDD 712 or above, you can switch to the mouse emulation mode using the command :

upddutils nodevice set primary_is_whole_desktop 0

Last Modified: 4 Years Ago
Last Modified By: Dave Bhattacharjee
Type: INFO
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