Customer reported touch not working after a successful install.
The issue was related to the wrong system USB driver in place and not the one expected by UPDD and why this should be was unclear.
The connected USB device, serviced by UPDD, was shown in Device Manager as being controlled by the built in driver hidusb.sys

On a properly working system you would expect to see winusb.sys

We can’t explain why this is. On this particular system even when we forcibly replaced the driver with the correct one it continued to show as above.
We occasionally see failures to install but they generally show a clear error status and can easily be corrected with a manual driver update.
We’ve never seen this before where our driver package is reported as installed but clearly a module from a different package is in place.
On this system we did note that other touch software was installed (Microtouch) and there is a possibility that this interfered in some way; but we saw nothing to indicate that this was happening.
It could and been relate to the patch level on the system.
We concluded that for UPDD to install and work “out of the box” is was best to start with a clean W7 system fully patched and install UPDD first.
Then install other software and see what, if anything, replaced the USB system driver.
Fortunately there is an alternative approach to resolve this issue albeit it will need some manual setup.
We created a replacement usb interface using an open source tool libusbk and this, surprisingly, fixed 'the issue'!
Should this be needed in the future the steps to address are:
1. Install updd from a standard installation.
2. Delete the folder c:\program files (x86)\updd\inf\libusb, this will prevent our usb interface being installed.
3. Create the installer from the link above and run the ctreated installer installdriver.exe
4. Configure the system as required ensuring all screens are calibrated.
5. Delete the file c:\program files (x86)\updd\x64\updd install.exe
The latter step stops the software trying to install the usb interface which would happen periodically but fail due to 2 above.
updd install.exe is however required during setup and configuration.