When writing or utilising a touch application that is receiving touches directly from the driver, either via the UPDD API or TUIO server, there are a few things to consider when used with UPDD Commander:

  • How to register the application with Commander so that gestures are disabled when touches are performed on the application
  • How to identify or limit touches to only be actioned when they occur within the application window

For UPDD API clients you need to add the application into the Application list and then remove all the gestures so that no gesture has any effect on the application. This usually requires setting the application not to inherit gestures from "All Applications".

To identify if the touch occurs within the application you can use the screenx and screeny fields of digitiser events received via the UPDD API to find out where on screen the touches are occurring and then check to see if they fall within the applications window. If not, the touch events can be ignored.

For TUIO clients the application should be set to have only one gesture: convert touches to TUIO.


In the gesture's advanced settings set "TUIO touch positions" to "Relative to window". In this instance, the application will only receive TUIO touches if they fall within the application window, and the touch positions will be normalized using the boundaries of the window, rather than the boundaries of the screen.
