
Commander change history will show the version you have installed along with the list of changes up to and including that version.

The full change list is as follows:

Date Version Changes
 22 Jan 2025  1.9.0 (macOS) Can now add UI elements to "Defaults Gestures" or web browsers that apply to specific webpages
(macOS) "Pass all touches to UPDD client" gesture and "Pass touches to UPDD client" action can now be set to still pass touches when other touch or pen devices are in use
(macOS) Fixed bug with keystroke gesture actions where typing certain keys (including arrow and function keys) would not trigger system-wide keyboard shortcuts.   
 NOTE: Affected keystroke actions will need to be reconfigured by retyping the keystroke
(macOS) Extended TUIO data now includes pressure
(macOS) Fixed crash that could occur when an application has no open windows
(macOS) Fixed lockup that can occur when searching for nearest clickable element in an unresponsive app
(macOS) Fixed crash that can occur when converting pen events to TUIO in an unresponsive app
Fixed memory leaks
 24 Dec 2024  1.8.5 (macOS) Now displays the type or description of a UI element when it's selected when using the "Add UI Element" dialog
(macOS) Fixed bug where UPDD Commander would not properly clear away all of its preferences during uninstallation
 20 Dec 2024  1.8.4 (macOS) Fixed bug where touches being converted to TUIO would erroneously stop when a pen comes into proximity
(macOS) Can convert multiple pen styluses to TUIO simultaneously
(macOS) Can specify maximum pressure for erasers using minpressure_eraser and maxpressure_eraser settings
(macOS) Can specify pen or eraser has no pressure by setting maxpressure or maxpressure_eraser to 0
(macOS) Fixed bug where presets for installed applications may not be automatically added on first launch or when resetting gestures to default
(macOS) Fixed crash that could occur with certain tablet devices when converting pen events to TUIO
(macOS) Fixed erasers that aren't reported as being in an inverted orientation
(macOS) Fixed crash that can occur when an application takes a very long time to respond to Accessibility requests
 25 Nov 2024  1.8.3 Added ability to have a password prompt for the settings window
 12 Nov 2024  1.8.2 Fixed bug where "Wait X milliseconds before resetting mouse cursor" wouldn't reflect current value after opening settings window
Fixed bug where opening UPDD Commander and UPDD Test along with other UPDD client apps could result in one or more becoming locked up
Changed "Wait X milliseconds before resetting mouse cursor" setting to use same UPDD setting as "Anchor mouse return time" in UPDD Console
(macOS) Fixed bug where "Pass touches to..." gestures would still activate windows for applications or app groups that have UI element detection disabled, resulting in a delay if the app is not responsive
 31 Oct 2024  1.8.1 (macOS) "Focus window" action and "Focus window under gesture" feature of keystroke actions is now more robust and works with more applications, namely Microsoft PowerPoint.
(macOS) Can convert pen input to TUIO when upddcommander.applicationsettings.enable_pen_to_tuio = 1
   3 Oct 2024  1.8.0 Added feature for visualising gestures as they are performed, to better see which app is being touched and which gestures and actions apply
Added gesture for passing touches to UPDD client apps while still processing gestures and performing actions
Actions in log include annotations, such as which mouse button is being clicked
Added print to log informing when no touch gesture has yet been detected
Fixed orientation of menus for + buttons
(macOS) Adjusted scrolling momentum so that once it becomes slow it comes to a stop more quickly, making it less likely that gestures like taps will stop scrolling momentum instead of performing their usual action
(macOS) Fixed detection of when scrolling momentum has stopped (for applications that correctly support Accessibility features)
 22 Aug 2024  1.7.0 "Zoom screen" / "Move zoomed screen" can be used independently on each display, and are now available in Windows
Added setting for showing mouse cursor inside Smart Magnifier
Added advanced setting to Smart Magnifier actions that allows for having it open in its last position rather than under the current gesture
Log window now has option to display different levels of log messages, with "debug" level generally being useful for the developer and for diagonstic reports more than for the user
Smart Magnifier width / height / idle time settings now take affect as soon as their value changes, rather than when pressing enter
Added setting for disabling UPDD Commander
Now displaying a warning message when setting the Press wait time to a very short duration
The various "Pass all touches to..." gestures will no longer prevent detection of gestures defined specifically for the Smart Magnifier
Fixed bug where "Show / Hide Smart Magnifier" action UI wouldn't display the action's magnification value
Fixed error in log about missing "dont show unresponsive app" warning preference
Fixed "Pass touches to UPDD client" and "Pass all touches to UPDD client" actions not working with the Smart Magnifier
Fixed "Pass touches to UPDD client" action not working with tap gestures
(Windows) Fixed "Pass touches to Windows" not working with the Smart Magnifier
(Windows) Fixed bug where "Pass all touches to Windows" action could cause erroneous double clicks when tapping once
(Windows) Fixed bug where Press visualization would appear in the wrong place on displays with scaling
(Windows) Removed "enable mouse emulation" setting, now replaced by new "disable commander" setting
(Windows) Fixed bug where UPDD Commander would be left as a startup item after uninstalling, or after reinstalling a UPDD release where UPDD Commander is not set to run at startup
(Windows) TuioClient.dll now includes version information and description
(macOS) Added "Focus window" action
 8 July 2024  1.6.6 Added setting for specifying a delay before resetting the mouse cursor after a gesture
Fixed crash when enabling or disabling TUIO client feature
Fixed bug where touches would still be converted to TUIO during actions for adjusting or moving the Smart Magnifier, causing interference in TUIO client apps. (Fixes using Smart Magnifier with Studio One)
Fixed bug where UPDD Commander could quit after reconnecting to the driver
Fixed bug where gestures set to "no action" could interrupt Smart Magnifier movements and animations
Fixed bug where adjusting slider / spin box UI using the spin box arrows would not have an effect until after pressing enter
Fixed bug where redoing certain actions would produce errors in UPDD Commander's log
(macOS) Show / Hide Dock action now shows the Dock on the touched display when possible
(macOS) Fixed bug where the Notification Center may not open on the touched display
(macOS) Fixed "Show application windows" action in macOS 13 and later
(macOS) Fixed detection of Pro Tools UI elements for Pro Tools 2024.3.1 and later
(macOS) Fixed "QTextCursor::setPosition ... out of range" message that would appear in the log window when the macOS Accessibility Keyboard is open
(Windows) Improved lagging touches with "Pass touches to Windows" with UPDD 07.01.168 or later
 19 Apr 2024  1.6.5 Fixed "QCommandLineParser" warning that gets printed to console at launch
(macOS) Install option to grant Accessibility permission in System Settings only then terminate - specialist use only
  5 Apr 2024  1.6.4 Added option to press both left and right mouse buttons for "click" and "click and drag" actions
Fixed bug where "Execute shell command" would run the command repeatedly for gestures other than taps
Fixed bug where "Click and drag" and "Move mouse cursor" actions would post mouse events to the system when touches are stationary
Fixed bug where UPDD Commander would stop working after reconnecting to the driver
(macOS) Will now display a dialog warning about an app that is unresponsive when searching for UI elements, with an option to disable UI element detection for the app.
(macOS) Improved reliability of "Reset keyboard focus" feature
(macOS) Fixed "Reset keyboard focus" feature not working with Logic Pro 10.7 and later
13 Mar 2024  1.6.3 Fixed crash when using "Select next performed gesture" and performing a gesture assigned to "pass touches"
(macOS) Added hidden setting for disabling tablet input
23 Feb 2024  1.6.2 Displays unknown gestures and actions (such as from a newer version of UPDD Commander) more gracefully
(macOS) Coordinates with QUPDDTouch plug-in to post mouse events during a drag-and-drop operation
(macOS) Fixed minor bug where mouse moved events would not have the correct click number
23 Jan 2024  1.6.1 (macOS) Added "Inherit UI element gestures before app group gestures" check box to app group editor dialog
03 Jan 2024  1.6.0 Fixed bug that caused UPDD Commander to use excessive CPU time when idling
(macOS) Added new gesture action "Pass touches to UPDD client app"
(macOS) Added new special gesture "Pass all touches to UPDD client app"
(macOS) Added new special UI element for window title bars / draggable areas
(macOS) Added new special UI element for file dialogs
(macOS) Improved performance of detecting UI elements in file dialogs in macOS 11 and later
(macOS) Fixed bug where mouse events weren't numbered properly (fixes incorrect dragging behavior in Photos)
16 Nov 2023  1.5.2 System tray / menu bar icon now changes when UPDD Commander is inactive
Including SOURCE message in TUIO bundles as per the TUIO 1.1 specification
(Windows) Is now much easier to perform a double click using the "click" action
(macOS) Fixed enabling Accessibility features in macOS 10.8 and earlier
(macOS) Changed app / app group settings UI text "Disable UI elements for..." to "Disable UI element detection for..."
(macOS) Added UPDD internal setting "upddcommander.applicationsettings.tablet_posts_mouse_events_app_ids" for specifying applications bundle IDs that should receive regular mouse input instead of tablet input when using a tablet
30 Aug 2023  1.5.1 Fixed bug where the Smart Magnifier would move with touch gestures assigned to a mouse-related action even when set to "Do not follow touches"
(macOS) Fixed bug where the app settings tab bar would not change colors when the system theme changed
Smart Magnifier now affects position of TUIO touches
Fixed bug where converting touches to TUIO inside of the Smart Magnifier wouldn't prevent it from automatically hiding
Removed redundant check box from application global settings
(macOS) Gestures performed within the Smart Magnifier now use the configured gestures of the magnified application along with the Smart Magnifier's gestures
 14 July 2023  1.5.0 Added feature for restoring keyboard focus after a gesture ends
(Windows) Fixed Smart Magnifier when used on displays with scaling
 15 June 2023  1.4.17 (macOS) Fixed bug where some tablet devices wouldn't release the mouse button when lifting its stylus
 03 May 2023  1.4.16 Improved warning when TUIO client settings conflict with "Convert touches to TUIO" settings
Fixed bug where UPDD Commander was querying for UPDD settings before connecting to the driver
Fixed bug where gesture list scroll might not reset when switching between different applications or UI elements
Closing the settings window will now properly close it, freeing its memory
Fixed some minor memory leaks
(macOS) Improved performance of gestures when interacting with Pro Tools, especially with "Adjust DAW Slider"
 21 April 2023  1.4.15 (Windows) Fixed bug where virtual devices may be based on non-USB controllers, resulting in non-working touches
 17 April 2023  1.4.14 (macOS) Scroll actions can be set to scroll line-by-line rather than smoothly in their advanced options
(macOS) Fixed bug where the settings window toolbar would disappear after closing and reopening the window
 02 Mar 2023  1.4.13 (macOS) Will now load in older UPDD v7 releases that don't include new API features for UPDD toolbars 
 28 Feb 2023  1.4.12 Fixed toolbar gesture modifiers
Slight performance improvement when selecting different applications
 24 Feb 2023  1.4.11 (Windows) "Switch between open windows" action will no longer be canceled before releasing touches
(Windows) Fixed bug where sliders would jump to the wrong value
 16 Feb 2023  1.4.10 (Windows) Fixed bug that would cause touches to land on the wrong monitor
(Windows) Fixed "Switch Between Open Windows" action when an elevated process is focused 
(Windows) No longer using fallback method of generating keystrokes when the UPDD virtual HID is unavailable
 13 Feb 2023  1.4.9 Fixed bug that would prevent touches from working in UPDD Test
(Windows) Fixed "Show desktop" and "Snip & Sketch" actions in 64-bit versions of UPDD Commander
 9 Feb 2023  1.4.8 Added triple click action
Fixed click location setting for click actions
(macOS) Added setting for whether the on-screen keyboard will automatically hide itself no text fields are focused
(Windows) No longer disabling pen devices starting with UPDD 7.1.27
 12 Jan 2023  1.4.7 Supports dark mode display setting
Adjusted colors of inherited gestures so they look less like they are disabled
 5 Jan 2023  1.4.6 (macOS) Fixed bug in Ventura where changing a setting could cause the app to freeze for extended periods of time.
(macOS) Fixed memory leak when Smart Magnifier remains on screen for extended periods of time
(macOS) Fixed showing Dock in full screen apps when displays do not have separate spaces
(macOS) Fixed showing Notification Center when the menu bar is hidden
(macOS) No longer showing Advanced Options for Notification Center action when there are no advanced options
(macOS) Fixed Notification Center and On-screen Keyboard missing icons in Ventura
(macOS) Fixed crash during uninstallation
 23 Dec 2022  1.4.5 Updated to use Qt 6.2.3
(macOS) Now a universal Intel/Apple Silicon app
(Windows) Now a 64-bit app
 29 Nov 2022  1.4.4 Renamed "All Applications" to "Default Gestures"
Changed keystroke action's default modifier key delay to 15 ms to improve detection of modifier key strokes (Cubase fix)
Sliders, combo boxes, and spin boxes in the settings window no longer respond inappropriately to scrolling
Gesture actions are no longer executed if the app originally under a touch gesture's starting point is no longer there when the gesture is completed
Fixed touch processing for devices that report inactive touches
(Windows) Application settings can no longer be flattened by resizing the settings window
(Windows) Newly created UPDD virtual devices have port_type set to virtual (these are used to deliver touches to Windows)
 1 Nov 2022  1.4.3 (macOS) Added tilt support for pen devices (macOS) Fixed eraser support for pen devices
(macOS) Fixed lag when adjusting the maximum pressure of pen devices
(macOS) Fixed bug where "Send command to UI element" could lock up the app so long as a menu it triggered remains open
(macOS) Fixed bug where icons of dialog boxes would be too large
 14 Oct 2022  1.4.2 (Windows) Fixed "click" and "click and drag" actions on multi-monitor systems
 28 Sept 2022  1.4.1 (macOS) Fixed bug that would prevent pen pressure from working in Photoshop and other drawing apps
(macOS) Fixed bug that could prevent "Adjust DAW Sliders" from working in Pro Tools on macOS 12
(macOS) Fixed bug where the Smart Magnifier would automatically hide itself while adjusting DAW sliders
(macOS) Fixed bug where UPDD Commander would not recognize the app a gesture is occurring within for certain non-standard mac apps (e.g. grandMA3)
(macOS) Disabling UI elements for an app or app group now prevents the "click nearest" feature from being used within that app
(Windows) UPDD Gestures API is now enabled by default in Windows
Minor under-the-hood fixes 
 7 Sept 2022  1.4.0 Will now warn if trying to load settings from a newer, incompatible version of UPDD Commander
Fixed bug where dismissing the uninstallation dialog box asking whether to delete UPDD Commander's settings using its upper-left X button would still delete the settings
(macOS) Added feature where track volume sliders in Logic Pro and Pro Tools can be adjusted with multiple touches at once
(macOS) Fixed relative position / Ableton Live fix in "Click and Drag" advanced options
(macOS) Now displaying warning when the Zoom Screen / Move Zoomed Screen actions cannot work due to incompatible Accessibility zoom system settings
(Windows) Fixed keystroke actions when UPDD v7 is installed
(Windows) Fixed mouse actions when UPDD v7 is installed
(Windows) Fixed bug where keystroke actions with an undefined keystroke would produce strange text in the gesture's action pop-up box
 23 Aug 2022  1.3.4 Fix for systems where the connection between UPDD client apps and the driver can be temporarily broken even while connected
(macOS) Fixed bug where the settings window could open repeatedly every ten seconds in rare circumstances
 15 Aug 2022  1.3.3 Palm rejection is disabled by default
Display the reported size in the UPDD Commander log of a rejected touch when palm rejection is enabled
Palm rejection options and feature are removed when UPDD Commander is running with UPDD version 6
 12 Aug 2022  1.3.2 Added "palm rejection" feature for touch devices that report contact width and height
Added support for segmented devices
User is now presented with the option to delete all UPDD Commander settings during uninstallation
Devices are now marked as pressure enabled once UPDD Commander receives pressure data from them
Fixed toolbar gesture modifiers in UPDD v7
Fixed warning message regarding threads not terminating when UPDD Commander is quitting
Fixed bug where UPDD Commander would not respect the system language when UPDD Console's language is set to <system>
(macOS) Fixed bug where a pen and touch device could interfere with each other if a touch is started before a pen device enters proximity
(macOS) Fixed bug where moving a tablet device's stylus into proximity could erroneously trigger a tap gesture
 13 July 2022  1.3.1 (macOS) Fixed bug where pen devices would never go out of proximity
(macOS) Fixed bug where some pen devices would not release the mouse when the pen is lifted 
Pressure calibration function enabled for pressure devices
 5 June 2022  1.3.0 Added gesture modifiers
Added "Execute shell command" action
(macOS) Run shortcut action (only available in macOS 12 and later)
Added "Set global setting" action
Added application-wide setting that requires touch gestures to last for a minimum amount of time in order to be detected
Displaying extra information for click and keystroke action when their settings are collapsed
Added "Are you sure" dialog box when removing gestures that can be set to not appear again
Fixed bug where exporting a file could fail silently
Under-the-hood changes for UPDD v7 compatibility
(macOS) Fixed issue where sometimes selecting a UI element would freeze the app, especially UI elements from
(macOS) Updated a number of Presets for macOS 12
 11 Mar 2022  1.2.5 (macOS) UPDD Commander no longer briefly becomes the frontmost app when launching, and does not persist as the frontmost app in macOS 11
 11 Feb 2022  1.2.4 (Windows) Fixed bug where the UPDD directory would not be found and no presets would be loaded
 10 Feb 2022  1.2.3 Gesture action settings utilizing sliders now also include a text field for entering precise values
Added setting to "Touch Gestures" section of application-wide settings for specifying whether swipe gestures can change direction without lifting fingers first
(macOS) Fixed a bug when "Hide mouse cursor during touches" and "Reset mouse cursor after a gesture action ends" are both enabled where the mouse cursor would be briefly visible underneath of a gesture before the cursor is reset to its original position
(macOS) Fixed a bug where the app would not detect that Accessibility zoom settings have been changed in macOS Big Sur and later
(Windows) Fixed a bug where application presets would not be found if the app is installed on a 32-bit system or the system is not installed to C drive
(Windows) Converted TUIO touches can now be sent using WebSockets and used in conjunction with the Touch-Base TUIO Bridge browser extension
 07 Feb 2022  1.2.2 Smart Magnifier can now be set to automatically hide after a specified number of seconds being idle, defaulting to on
Smart Magnifier's default shape is now elliptical
Fixed crash when converting a UI element from inherited to non-inherited
Fixed crash that could occur when an application group somehow becomes empty
Fixed bug where touch gestures generating clicks inside of the Smart Magnifier could cause it to move even when set not to follow touches
Updated some UI text and alignment for clarity
 25 Jan 2022  1.2.1 Smart Magnifier can now be set not to follow the mouse, but still follow touches
"Reset mouse cursor after a gesture action ends" setting now follows "Anchor mouse" setting in UPDD Console
(macOS) Fixed bug where click actions that changed the modifier state could cause modifiers to get stuck when followed by a keystroke action
 13 Jan 2022  1.2.0 Added Smart Magnifier feature
"Movement" gestures no longer prevent "Swipe from screen edge" gestures from working
(Windows) Popup menus for picking a gesture action are no longer unnecessarily short
(Windows) Snipping Tool action replaced with Snip & Sketch in Windows 10 and later
(macOS) Fixed bug where sometimes the mouse cursor wouldn't reset to its previous position when "Reset mouse cursor after a gesture action ends" is enabled
   3 Dec 2021  1.1.26 (Windows) Added action for opening a file or launching a program as though opened through Explorer
(Windows) Fixed bug where the touch keyboard action would fail if TabTip.exe was not already running
   2 Dec 2021  1.1.25 (macOS) On-screen keyboard action allows showing and hiding the keyboard as well as toggling
(Windows) Added action for showing the Windows touch keyboard in Windows 8 and later
   1 Dec 2021  1.1.24 Fixed bug where UPDD Commander may not be in control of touches directly after installing the UPDD
 18 Nov 2021  1.1.23 (Windows) Attempt to connect to the UPDD virtual HID device continuously if it's not found at startup.
 16 Nov 2021  1.1.22 (Windows) Virtual UPDD devices are now named "Virtual Touch Interface N" and are set to be hidden
 11 Nov 2021  1.1.21 (macOS) Disclosure arrows in the application list are now easier to click when using tap gestures with "click nearest UI element
(macOS) Fixed toggling the Accessibility Keyboard in macOS 12
(macOS) Fixed appearance of disclosure triangles in gestures in macOS 11 and later
(macOS) Fixed appearance of toolbar in macOS 11 and later
 4 Nov 2021  1.1.20 Fixed bug that would prevent settings from being saved for TUIO gestures with "Configure TUIO servers separately for each UPDD device" enabled
(Windows) Utilise virtual mouse and keyboards for mouse and keystroke actions, allowing them to interact with elevated processes and UAC prompts
(macOS) Fixed bug where some UI elements in a website might be erroneously treated as menus
 5 Oct 2021  1.1.19 Fixed bug where device interlocking would prevent touches from being converted to TUIO touches
(Windows) Fixed bug where keystroke gestures that type keys from the function pad (e.g. page up, page down, home, end) would not type if num lock is on.
 27 Sept 2021  1.1.18 Fixed bug where rotate and pinch gestures performed in an iOS app running on an M1 mac would not work correctly
Fixed bug where it was not possible to select an application in the file chooser dialog when adding an app in languages other than English
Fixed rare TUIO related crash that could occur when not using TUIO client functionality
Force pen up if touch data not received within liftoff_time_ms setting
 25 May 2021  1.1.17 Fixed bug where UPDD Commander would stop responding to touches after reconnecting to the UPDD
(macOS) Fixed bug where Flexi-deck actions would not be available when Flexi-deck is installed
 10 May 2021  1.1.16 Fixed crash that would occur when changing UPDD Commander's settings externally, such as by using upddutils
 07 May 2021  1.1.15 (Windows) Added gesture for passing touches with six or more fingers to Windows
(macOS) Added "Flexi-deck action" for showing and hiding Flexi-deck menus and running Flexi-deck macros. (Only available if Flexi-deck is installed)
App group labels can be changed for app groups that only contain one application
No longer displaying a message when importing settings from the command line
Fixed bug that could cause some application-wide settings to not work after importing settings, such as TUIO settings
 26 March 2021  1.1.14 Improvements to overall gesture detection accuracy, and in particular differentiating between two finger rotate and drag gestures
Click actions can once again not change the system's modifier key state
Recalibrated 3+ finger pinch / expand gestures so that its responsiveness is more consistent regardless of the number of fingers involved
(macOS) Decreased responsiveness of Launchpad / Show Desktop action to a more reasonable level
 01 Feb 2021  1.1.13  Added option for exporting all app groups as individual applications
(macOS) Fixed rare crash that could occur when selecting or finding a UI element
 08 Dec 2020  1.1.12 (macOS) Fixed issue that in rare cases caused the settings window to continually open itself after installing the UPDD
(macOS) Fixed possible crash when app exits due to not having Accessibility permissions 
 03 Dec 2020  1.1.11 Added options for holding modifier keys during click, click and drag, and double click actions
(macOS) Fixed bug where clicking UI elements in the Accessibility Keyboard wouldn't work in Big Sur while "click nearest" is enabled
(macOS) Showing and hiding the Accessibility Keyboard in Big Sur now automatically enables the system Input menu so that the keyboard can be consistently toggled
 20 Nov 2020  1.1.10 Fixed appearance of tabs in macOS 11 Big Sur
 30 Oct 2020  1.1.9 Fixed bug where devices may be erroneously detected as pressure enabled
 29 Oct 2020  1.1.8 (macOS) Fixed crash that can occur with systems that use non-English input sources
(macOS) Fixed crash that could occur when UPDD Commander is quitting
(macOS) Fixed bug that could cause delays with mouse related actions
(macOS) Fixed bug where "Toggle full-screen" action would not work on windows that were already full screen
Fixed bug where TUIO "divide x-axis between connected devices" would still consider disconnected devices
Removed "Touches wake up display" button. Touches will now always wake the display.
Fixed bug where gestures that reverse in-progress actions may not adhere to correct application-wide settings
 17 Sept 2020  1.1.7 Fixed a crash when importing an application group or preset that conflicts with an existing application group
Tablets can now wake the display
Fixed a rare crash that could occur when changing application-wide settings
Fixed a bug where "(not installed)" could appear multiple times after an app that's not installed in the application group editor dialog
 7 Sept 2020  1.1.6 Added a menu item to the file menu for resetting all applications and gestures back to their defaults
Fixed a bug where the "-" button below the list of applications would stop working if the user specified that it should not display a warning any longer
 2 Sept 2020  1.1.5 Added a release option that enables a reset button for General and Touch Behaviour application settings
Improved look and text of message box dialogs
(macOS) Message box dialogs are now displayed as sheets
 1 Sept 2020  1.1.4 Fixed bug where press visualization wouldn't disappear after canceling a press gesture
Fixed bug where a press gesture wouldn't be canceled by lifting off a finger
Fixed crash that could occur as UPDD Commander quits
Fixed crash caused by triggering the press visualization window as UPDD Commander is starting up
Added feature where some presets can be locked
Fixed a bug where editing an app or UI element's inheritance settings would silently fail
Fixed a bug where some context menu items in the app list would not be disabled at appropriate times
Can no longer add gestures to the gesture list when it's disabled
(Windows) Fixed text size in app group editor dialog
 19 Aug 2020  1.1.3 Added hidden setting for disabling the UPDD Gestures API, temporarily set by default on Windows due to performance issues
Fixed bug where the system tray icon / menu bar icon would still be visible after launching the app, even when it's set to be hidden
No longer using languages that are not available in the UPDD Console's language popup menu when the language is set to <system>
(Windows) Fixed a bug where "Pass all touches" gestures might not end properly
(Windows) Improved method for triggering "Task View" and "Show Desktop" actions
(Windows) Fixed a bug where "Pass touches to windows" actions were not always being released and not properly sent to Windows
 28 July 2020  1.1.2 Fixed a bug where the name of individual applications in the app list were editable
Fixed a bug where removing the last item in the app list could cause all of its UI elements to remain
(macOS only) Fixed detection of Python-based apps
(macOS only) Fixed getting the name of some apps that have an improper Info.plist (e.g. Yeco)
(Windows only) Fixed bug where "Select next performed gesture" wouldn't work with "Pass touches to Windows"
(Windows only) Fixed bug where UPDD Commander may not disable or re-enable itself when UPDD Test or UPDD Annotate is running
 23 July 2020  1.1.1 (Windows only) Added "Pass all touches to Windows" gesture
(Windows only) Added "Run UPDD Commander at startup" check box to application settings
(Windows only) Fixed the font size in the change history window
(Windows only) Improved performance of "Pass touches to Windows" action
(macOS only) Fixed bug where "Click nearest clickable UI element" would not correctly handle cells in tables and outline views
Added two through five finger movement gestures that apply for any kind finger movement
Fixed bug where the effect of a speed setting for actions assigned to a drag and swipe gestures would increase linearly depending on how many fingers the gesture had
Fixed bug where a press or tap gesture could be erroneously triggered twice
Fixed bug where drag gestures could be detected when the touches have not passed the threshold distance yet
Fixed bug where invalid actions and gestures were not automatically removed when importing presets from other operating systems
Text in the Change History window is no longer editable
 15 July 2020  1.1.0 Fixed behavior of right-click context menu in the gesture list
Added feature for hiding applications and groups. Hiding can be toggled on and off using the View menu.
App is now machine translated into several languages
(Windows only) Left clicking the system tray icon opens its menu
(Windows only) Fixed rendering on high DPI systems
Some under-the-hood changes and improvements
Added hidden settings for hiding default presets, touch gesture settings tab and TUIO settings tab
 7 July 2020  1.0.22 (Windows only) Added Keystroke gesture action
(Windows only) Added mouse gesture actions: click, double click, click and drag, move mouse cursor
(Windows only) Added Task View gesture action
(Windows only) Added Show Desktop gesture action
(Windows only) Added Pass Touches to Windows gesture action
(Windows only) Fixed names of displays in the TUIO client settings
 26 June 2020  1.0.21 Fixed a bug that would prevent "Select next performed gesture" from working
Fixed a bug that would stop TUIO servers from working after launching the app
Press gestures can no longer occur if fingers have moved too far from their starting point
More accurate output in the log concerning when gesture actions are being performed
 13 May 2020  1.0.20 Improved detection and stability of pinch and expand gestures
All double tap gestures can now have their time limit adjusted individually
Fixed bug where performing two taps each using a different number of fingers could cause the second one to be erroneously detected as a double tap
Fixed bug where a delayed tap (due to the possibility of a double tap) would be canceled if another gesture was performed before the double tap time limit is reached
Added timestamps to the output window
Fixed rare crash that could occur with invalid settings
 24 April 2020  1.0.19 Default edge swipe gesture for showing the Dock is automatically adjusted to match the position of the Dock
UI elements now have separate settings for inheriting gestures from All Applications or a matching UI element under All Applications
Gesture actions now have tool tips that provide more information about their effect
Decreased the default maximum distance that the start of an edge swipe gesture can be from the edge of the screen and added a setting for changing this threshold
Minor under-the-hood bug fixes
 8 April 2020  1.0.18 Improved detection of 3+ finger rotate gestures
The "Show / Hide Dock" gesture action can now show the Dock when working with a full screen application
 27 Mar 2020  1.0.17 Removal of desktop debug file 'UC debug.txt' accidentally introduced with 1.0.16
 20 Mar 2020  1.0.16 Added gesture actions for showing and hiding the Dock
"Send command to element" gesture action now searches up the element hierarchy for elements that can perform the action
Applications and app groups can have UI element detection disabled. (Fix for apps that are slow to respond to UI element queries)
Will no longer recursively search for UI elements when the reported element underneath of a gesture is null. (Fix for Pro Tools / Ozone)
Click and drag gesture action will no longer pan the screen when it is zoomed
Added feature for saving a diagonstic file that contains a recording of touch input
 29 Feb 2020  1.0.15 Added gesture actions for zooming the screen and moving the screen while zoomed
Added gesture action for sending a command directly to a UI element
Fixed a bug where file dialog locations wouldn't be saved
Fixed a bug where repeating keystroke actions would work if the gesture was progressing too slowly
Fixed a bug where UPDD Commander may not deactivate itself while UPDD Annotate is running
Added 'Dock' specific preset with tailored gesture and actions to cater for magnified dock
 18 Feb 2020 1.0.14 Improved method for showing the Accessibility Keyboard in macOS 10.15 that works much more consistently
Fixed crash that could occur at startup if UPDD Commander's settings are corrupted
Fixed bug where disconnected devices would be considered for TUIO left-to-right order
 3 Feb 2020 1.0.13 Fixed issue that prevented UPDD Commander from automatically launching
Fixed crash when running as a daemon in Mac OS X 10.7
Fixed crash when adding or selecting UI elements
 31 Jan 2020 1.0.12 Gesture settings are now stored in user preferences. Removing or reordering applications when there is large number of gestures is now instant and no longer freezes the app for a period of time.
Presets are automatically added for applications that are already installed on the system.
Can now import settings by executing UPDD Commander from the command line with the argument --import
Accessibility Keyboard option hidden in macOS 10.12 and earlier
 22 Jan 2020 1.0.11 Fixed bug where some UI elements wouldn't be seen as clickable
Decreased default search radius for clickable UI elements to 15 pixels / points
Added dialog checking to make sure the user wants to remove an application or application group
Added setting to only automatically toggle the on-screen keyboard when using a touch device
 10 Jan 2020 1.0.10 Fix bug where the on-screen keyboard wouldn't automatically appear for some text areas (e.g. composing a message in Apple Mail)
Fix bug where "click nearest" would interfere with trying to click certain menu bar icons that don't report themselves as clickable
Fixed UI elements for Firefox and Finder's desktop
 3 Jan 2020 1.0.9 Compatible with UPDD 6.0.559 and above
Settings for "click nearest", "drag distance", "press time", "press visualisation", and "double tap time" are now application-wide and can be overridden on a per-gesture basis
Settings load times are now much faster
Gesture settings can now include unicode characters
UI elements defined by type can now have custom labels too
Various bug fixes and improvements
13 Dec 2019 1.0.8 Can now process gestures from TUIO touches using TUIO client functionality
Using more reliable method for showing the Accessibility Keyboard in macOS 10.15 and later
Removed option for using defunct on-screen keyboard in macOS 10.15 and later
Fixed bug where taps would fail to detect when the UPDD is set to "point & click" mode
27 Nov 2019 1.0.7 Fixed bug where gestures would occasionally be invisible in the settings window
Miscellaneous minor under-the-hood bug fixes
25 Nov 2019 1.0.6  "Convert to TUIO" can be configured the same regardless of which application its added to
Last location used in file browser dialogs is remembered between app invocations
Fixed crash when converting touches to TUIO while "send TUIO packets at the same rate as the UPDD" is enabled
UPDD gesture events now includes gesture phase
The field in the keystroke action's editor now prompts the user to type a keystroke
Application-wide settings are now stored in the UPDD's settings using a simpler structure
Can now use Command+W to close windows
Fixed bug that could cause the settings window to open at inappropriate times
15 Nov 2019 1.0.5 Fixed crash when performing scroll gesture actions in macOS 10.9 and earlier
Fixed crash when right clicking an empty part of the gesture list while gestures are selected
Fixed crash that could occur when converting touches to TUIO
Fixed bug where two finger drag gestures would never end when "Allow switching between gestures with same number of fingers" is enabled. (Fixes two finger scrolling in
Fixed bug where keystroke gestures with "repeat keystroke as gesture progresses" enabled could cause keystrokes to fire very rapidly
Fixed bug where keystroke gestures with "repeat keystroke as gesture progresses" enabled could cause modifier keys to get stuck down
Fixed missing application name in an error dialog
Fixed bug where dragging gestures would behave incorrectly when the gesture list is filtered
Fixed bug where the press visualisation could cause the application to become unhidden
25 Oct 2019 1.0.4 Fixed crash that can occur when TUIO setting "Send packets at the same rate as the UPDD" is enabled
Fixed TUIO setting "Divide X axis evenly between..."
Less likely for UPDD Commander to erroneously detect its Finder icon was opened after installation
Added item to menu bar icon menu for restarting UPDD Commander
22 Oct 2019 1.0.3 Added a touch setting for allowing touches to wake up the display
Fixed bug where modifier keys would get stuck down after a "keystroke" action
"Convert touches to TUIO" can now be added along with other gestures
Fixed a crash at launch in macOS 10.11 and earlier
17 Oct 2019 1.0.2 Fixed bug where systems with a non-English system language would fail to detect which UI element contained a gesture
8 Oct 2019 1.0.1 Added feature for calibrating pressure on pressure-enabled devices
Fixed bug where scrolling momentum wouldn't work properly in windows with horizontal and vertical scroll bars
Fixed bug where touch devices wouldn't be detected right after installing the UPDD
16 Sept 2019 1.0.0 Initial version for Mac OS

Windows) Fixed bug where the UPDD directory would not be found and no presets would be loaded

(macOS) Fixed bug where some tablet devices wouldn't release the mouse button when lifting its stylus
(macOS) Fixed bug where some tablet devices wouldn't release the mouse button when lifting its stylus

(macOS) Added "Inherit UI element gestures before app group gestures" check box to app group editor dialog