Gesture settings dialog

By default the gesture actions mimic those gestures associated with an Apple multi touch track for the host version of Mac OS X but can be defined as required.

The main gesture settings dialog is used to define and maintain the gesture settings and is invoked from the Gesture Menu bar or by running the gesture application whilst gesture is already loaded.

Gesture settings are stored in the updd database file. The most common gesture settings can be updated via the gesture dialog as shown below, however all settings can be adjusted via the UPDD Command Line utility. All gesture settings are held as global settings and therefore can be set with the command 'upddutils nodevice set "gesture setting name" value'.

The gesture software uses two different settings dialogs, Full and API versions. The 'Full' dialog is shown where the gesture mode of operation is controlling the system pointer and performing gesture actions and the API dialog is shown where gestures is only posting gesture and touch data as native touch events and on the UPDD API interface.

The Full settings dialog is used to define the action associated with each gesture appropriate to the actions that are available to the version of the operating system. Some actions are restricted to that expected by the gesture whilst others can be defined to perform system and other actions.

Full settings dialog

This dialog is the main gesture settings dialog used to define the actions associated with the main gestures, being:

Taps and Presses: Actions and settings associated with taps and presses gestures.

Drags and Swipes: Actions and settings associated with drags and swipes gestures.

Pinch and Rotate: Actions and settings associated with pince, zoom and rotate gestures.

Other functions: Non gesture related settings related to the gesture software and its functionality.

The API setting dialog is described here.

Gesture settings are stored in the UPDD settings file allowing for these settings to also be updated via the UPDD command line interface if required.
