
UPDD V6 utilises two settings files, the main settings file and the bootstrap file .

These files are located in the driver's data root folder for a given OS. These folders will exist if UPDD is installed.

Operating system Location 
 Windows %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\updd\. Typically this means c:\programdata\updd\
 MacOS /Library/Preferences/updd/
 Linux /opt/updd/data/updd/

Bootstrap file

updd.ini is a bootstrap settings file that is used to alter the default behavior of UPDD components. By default it does not exist.
You should create and edit it using an appropriate ascii text editor.

On Windows the data folder will exist if updd is installed, but it may be hidden.

On Mac OS/X you will need root access to create or edit this file.

Possible values for this file are:


 toip.client=1 A value of 1 indicates that this computer is acting as a toip client
 logerrors=y  indicates that error level messages are logged (in the debug log over a reboot)
 logdebug=y Indicates that debug level messages are logged 
 logdebughigh=y Enables additional debug logging of operations that occur during interrupt processing that could impact touch performance. Note that  with the cached logging in 675+ this impact is reduced so in practice logdebughigh can be enabled during normal use.
Since UPDD release 675, instead of writing directly to a log file, if this option is set then all log information is directed to memory, and written in a single write to the log file every 5 seconds except when there are active touches in which case the write occurs 5 seconds after the end of touch activity. This allows debugging that shows touch data to be enabled with minimal if any impact on touch performance.
 logtrace=y Indicates that trace level messages are logged 
 logsql=y Indicates that executed sql statements are logged   
Directs the updd process to redirect logging to stdout 
 logretentiondays Specifies the nominal number of days log files will be retained for. The default if not specified is 4.
 Maxlogsize Specifies the maximum size of a updd boot log in MB. The default if not specified is 10.
Since release 543 if set to 0 no startup bootlog (used for support purposes) is taken.
 listeningport=[port] TCP/IP port used by the driver to listen for API requests  - default 4146
 dumphid=y Dump HID file. This is used to dump the HID Report Descriptor in cases where the UPDDutils dumphid command does not work because the driver finds something wrong with the HID Report Descriptor so does not retain connection to the device and hence the request to dump the HID RD via the command line interface fails.

HID descriptors are written to the same folder where updd.ini is located.
There can be multiple files because there will be one per interface.
The numbers in the name are vendor id, product id and interface e.g. updd_04f3_013e_0.hid

 backupinterval The updd settings file is, by default, backed up every hour, day and week as described here. This setting can be used to adjust the backup interval as described in the backup article.


 host=[ip address] Specifies the ip address of the computer running the driver process in a touch over ip configuration.
 port=[port]  TCP/IP port used by the API to communicate with the driver - default 4146 - or with the TCP/IP bridge.

Settings file

Many settings are used to hold information about the driver, hardware and utility programs.  The value of these setting come from various sources:

 Source Description
 Pre-configured  Pre-configured in the driver production system. These typically set up usability settings, such as names used to identify the touch device and are held in the UPDD setting file updd.db.
 Hard coded Defines the default values at a code level and are, as the term suggests, defined in the code. These typically set up the default, base line, settings for a specific function.
 Run-time Defines the values in real-time and relate to any values deduced whilst the driver is running.  These typically relate to hardware configuration values extracted directly from the touch hardware.
 User defined Set by the user as required. An end user can adjust pre-configured settings or override hard-coded or run-time default settings as required.

Settings can be related to a specific device or non-device (global / system wide).

The settings are set and updated by the driver and utility programs and can be maintained by various settings dialogs, such as those used by Gesture and the TUIO Server settings dialogs.

A driver setting dialog will be introduced in a future release of UPDD V6 to adjust common driver settings but in the meantime a command line interface is available to view and update appropriate settings - that is ones that can be adjusted post install and/or are useful to view. It is unlikely that the vast majority of the driver settings need to be adjusted as the default settings are set to the optimal value or are used for internal purposes only.

There are a number of useful settings appropriate to user adjustment as described here.

Posted 9 Years Ago, Updated 4 Years Ago