Slate / Raven systems

The Slate hardware is utilised to run the Raven software that is supplied with a tailored version of UPDD.

In cases where the system using a Slate touch console also needs to support additional touch monitors, a separate driver will be required that supports all the connected touch screens.

A license key will be required for this custom driver as it's not covered by the Raven UPDD license.

The Raven software processes touch from the UPDD TUIO server and by default all touches from all touchscreens will be delivered to the Raven software so its likely that any additional touchscreen should be excluded from the TUIO server configuration.

To achieve this you need to check the "Configure TUIO servers separately for each device" check box and select "Relative to display, dividing X axis evenly..." in the TUIO gesture advanced options.

Thereafter, you need to assign each display you want to trigger TUIO touches to use the host localhost and port 3333, and uncheck the box next to the devices you want to disable.

Commander should now only generate TUIO touches for the displays that are checked (and used by Raven), and divide up the X-axis as though the unchecked displays weren't there.

e.g. if there are three displays total, and you uncheck one of them, it will divide the X-axis in half (not into thirds) for the two remaining displays.

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