The touch section shows general and specific devices settings and allows for certain features to be tested.
Touch device settings
Selecting an individual device entry in the device list shows touch related settings and allows for the device to be tested (double click, right click, Test utility).

This section shows the more common touch related settings that can be used to adjust the touch screen usage and characteristics.
Setting |
Meaning |
Device |
The device field shows the device name. This can be changed as desired. e.g. in a two touch monitor system you may prefer to name the devices 'Left touch monitor' and 'Right touch monitor' instead of the driver allocated names. |
Monitor |
Indicates the monitor associated with the touch screen. |
Identify |
Used to make association between touch devices and monitors, more commonly used in a multi monitor setup. |
Click Mode |
Defines the touch interface click mode. |
Pointer Type
Touch Interface - Old name |
This setting is only applicable if the core driver is handling the touch interfaces. Touch data is processed by UPDD Commander if it is running.
Indicates the interface used to post data to the operating system:
Mouse = single touch mouse interface - Windows:Mouse, Linux:XTouch, MacOS - IOKit, single touch interface
Touch = single/multi touch interface - Windows:HID, Linux: uinput, MacOS - Single touch interface - multi-touch is handled by Commander
Pen = Pen interface - Windows:pen, Linux - not supported, MacOS - Single touch interface - Pen data is handled by Commander
Auto - based on data type the driver posts the data to the OS on the most relevant interface.
Auto + global setting definition
Allows a width element in a hid report to determine the attributes of the report when the pointer type is set to auto.
The map has one line per rule, which takes the form
Type can be pen, touch or eraser.
Width can be an integer value or * to retain the passed width.
The mapped event are reported via the API and in Windows delivered to the OS.
An example map might be
7-255=touch,* |
Interlock |
Indicated the Touch Priority given to the device. |
Low pass filter |
Low pass filtering provides smoothing of input, removing jitter from inputs subject to noise or similar distortion. |
Lift off time |
Touch screens should indicate end of touch with a lift off indication in the last data packet. However, if data stops without a lift off indication being sent this setting defines the time threshold to wait before automatically processing a pen up event. A setting of 0 indicates the device is running in delta mode, that is, no data is generated when the stylus is held stationary. In this instance you do not want generate a pen up when touch data stops and is therefore relient on receiving a Pen up notification.
Interactive touch |
Indicates that a press and hold will generate a right click. The length of the press required is defined in the 'Interactive touch time' setting. Visual feedback building up to the click is displayed if the Interactive touch visual setting is enabled. Only applicable if the core driver is handling the touch interface. If UPDD Commander is handling touches in MacOS then gestures need be set for right click processing if required. In Windows HID mode Windows will have its own right click processing. |
Assisted Double click time |
Assisted double click assists double clicking by generating a second touch at the same location of the previous one. 2nd click needs to be within a certain time and distance (width) of 1st click. |
Ignore tip switch |
When enabled the tip switch bit (AKA lift bit) is ignored. Normally used in conjunction with a non-zero value for liftoff_time_ms. Can also be useful if when dragging the device occasionally generates unwanted pen up packets that you wish to ignore. |
Enabled |
Indicates device is enabled. Can be used to disable this device such that data is not processed. |
Device and monitor association
A touch screen monitor is actually two totally separate devices and in a multi-monitor environment the driver needs some way of associating the touch with the correct monitor so the the cursor is directed to the correct point of touch. In some cases a manual intervention is needed to make this association if it is not correctly set up after install or if the monitor layout changes. In other cases this association will be automatic, see 3 below.
In most multi-monitor setups each physical monitor will relate to an individual monitor shown/listed in desktop properties. In less common setups the number of physical monitors may be different to the number of monitors listed in the desktop properties. In this case you need to use segmentation to define the relationship between the virtual and physical monitors as described here.
The monitor metrics will dictate what association method defined below is appropriate. Options 2 and 3 are only appropriate if the number of monitors listed in the system match the number of physical monitors.
This touch screen / desktop association can be made in one of three ways:
- The identify option
invokes the Identify procedure to make the association. You can also run Identify from the UPDD Daemon menu.
- You can also manually specify the associated monitor using the 'Monitor' drop down and select the appropriate monitor. The monitor field shows the 'monitor no. - monitor name' that is currently associated with the device. Both are shown because some OS, such as Windows, use monitors no's in preference to name whereas others, such as MacOS, uses monitor names in preference to numbers.

- Modern monitors utilise the EDID function to inform the system about the monitor's characteristics, including the monitor name. In some operating systems the name is extracted and used to identify the individual monitors on the system . When the UPDD driver is a defined in our driver production system for a specific monitor if the monitor name is known we set this in the monitor bind key setting 'monitor_bind.display_name'. With this set the driver will automatically associate the touch screen with the monitor based on its location within the monitor layout. If this name is not defined you can manually define it in the Console's Advanced function under the settings tab. Simply type in the name seen in the monitor drop down into the 'monitor_bind.display_name' setting as per this example:

Define the matching string as required (note partial definition is acceptable):

Test options
Allows you to test double click, right click and test touch performance using the UPDD test program.
All devices
This option is only listed when there is more than one touch device shown in the device list and can be used to change the touch settings to be the same across all devices. So, for example, if you had three touch monitors all with touch interface set to Touch (HID interface) and wanted them set to Mouse (to use mouse interface) you can change all three in one go using the Touch Interface dropdown.
This entry is used to show system wide driver settings and allows for the diagnostics procedure to be run to gather diagnostics data that can be useful when investigating any touch issues.

Setting |
Description |
Anchor mouse |
Anchor mouse is a feature that returns the system mouse pointer after a touch to the position immediately prior to the touch.
With this feature enabled a user can use a mouse and touch screen interchangeably.
return time |
When the anchor mouse feature is enabled this sets the time lapse after a touch in milliseconds before the system mouse pointer is returned to its previous location. |
sample time |
When the anchor mouse feature is enabled this sets the time interval in milliseconds at which the current mouse position is sampled. |
Language |
Sets the language to use in the driver's dialogs. |
Enabled |
Can be used to disable touch on all devices. |
License |
Shows license type |
Reset |
Reset setting back to initial defaults |