
Windows touch screens tend to be connected via USB or i2c interfaces.

I2c hardware is more prevalent on Windows notebooks, a rough estimate is 50/50 split between USB and i2c.

Mac hardware does not use i2c and therefore the OS does not natively support this interface

UPDD does support i2c devices as described below.


UPDD release 7.1.16 and above supports i2c devices in Windows 10/11.

With i2c being HID compatible the Windows HID driver natively supports the i2c touch device so UPDD is only required if there is some functionality needed that is not supported by HID, typically to post data into the OS via mouse port interface (mouse emulation) that will allow old Windows apps, expecting mouse type operation, to fully function.


An open source project called VoodooI2C that brings i2c device support under MacOS is linked here. (The location moves around, so if this is broken search for VoodooI2C )

Further development has been undertaken to inject i2c data into UPDD to accomplish full gesture support and is available here.

If you already have UPDD installed and working with a real device then the i2c data can be posted to UPDD.

If your system does not have a conventional touch device normally associated with UPDD then we can supply a UPDD driver that defines a virtual device that can be used for injecting i2c data.

The above solution is only useful for technically competent software developers.

Posted 7 Years Ago, Updated 2 Years Ago