To view the USB vendor and product ids in Mac OS X, run the System Report, or USB Mac Probe utility as shown below:
System Report (Mac OS 13 and greater)
Hold Option key and click the Apple menu and choose "System Information". This takes you directly to the system report shown below. As described later - you can then choose USB in the left tree and locate your touch hardware

System Report (Legacy Mac OS up to version 12)

For pre Mac OS X Lion you select the 'More Info' option first then the System Report.
Once the system report is shown expand the USB devices and locate the touch screen from the listed USB controllers.
In this example we have highlighted the hub on which a USB LT1423p monitor is connected. This monitor utilises both a touch and Wacom pen as listed in the information panel with the vendor and product id highlighted.

With the touch USB devices listed and expanded you can cut and paste the viewing area when sending the information to us or save the entire report to an .spx file using the save option:

USB Mac Prober
This utility can be used to show key elements of all the USB devices on a Mac system.
To capture USB configuration data on a Mac system download the USB Prober for either Snow Leopard or Lion (and above) and invoke the application.
With 10.13 and above you may see this dialog:
To overcome this warning, copy the utility to a folder, right click, select open and enter your password when requested.
Once invoked, select the Bus Probe tab:

and use the Save Output option to save the entire USB probe profile to a log file and send us the log file:

Driver device configuration
For UPDD to recognise a device (such as the ones in the System Report above) the same vendor and product id must be held against the supported devices for any given build of our software.
The 'upddutils pnpinfo' command can be used to list the supported devices along with their vendor and product ids as shown below: