In normal use, gestures is calculating the gesture performed on the touch screen and invoking actions associated with the gesture. However, in addition to this, the touch data is also posted into the OS as native multi-touch gesture events and positional touch events (see important note below) to satisfy any applications utilising touch events API function calls and is also passed to the driver to make gesture information available on the driver’s API interface to satisfy any UPDD client applications utilising the UPDD gesture API functions.
In some specialist cases not all these functions are required and we have introduced a number of different modes of operations to tailor gesture functionality as required:
Single touch only |
Disable all multi-touch gesture processing and process single touch gestures only.
Note: This only stops Gestures from triggering any actions when a multi-touch gesture is performed. MT gestures are still passed on the UPDD API. UPDD Test and Annotate will still be working in MT mode. This is a gesture setting only! |
disable multitouch gestures |
UPDD API only |
No gesture processing but post gesture stylus data on UPDD API. |
gesture APIonly |
If none of the above modes are selected gestures performs the full range of gesture functions as defined by the gesture settings.
In some cases Gesture settings and functionality can automatically adjusted based on the focused application as described here.
Because these settings are rarely used they are not set in the gesture GUI but via the Menu Bar item:

They can also be set via the UPDD Command Line interface. E.g upddutils nodevice set APIonly 1 or set as default when supplying custom builds of the gesture software.
Positional touch events: Since Mac OS X 10.10.2 and above positional touch events created by UPDD Gestures are ignored by the OS, see important notes section for further information