Commander settings

The complete list of global Commander settings are listed below and reside in the UPDD settings database. Application, Gesture and actions definitions are held in propriety file formats managed directly by Commander.

Most of the global settings can be adjusted via the Commander setting dialog. However all of the global settings can be set by the command line interface. They can also be set using the UPDD API if required.

Being global settings they can be set with the command 'upddutils nodevice set "commander setting name" value'.

Setting  Values Description 
 On screen keyboard related settings    
 upddcommander.applicationsettings.automatically_show_keyboard  0,1
 upddcommander.applicationsettings.automatically_show_keyboard_for_private_fields  0,1  
 upddcommander.applicationsettings.keyboard_viewer_type  0,1,2 0:keyboard viewer, 1:KeyUp, 2:Accessibility Keyboard
 upddcommander.applicationsettings.automatically_show_keyboard_during_touch_events  0,1 When set, on-screen keyboard will only appear if a text field becomes focused because the user touched it or is shown within the touch thresold defined below.
 upddcommander.applicationsettings.automatically_show_keyboard_during_touch_events_threshold Integer  3000 (milliseconds) If the on-screen keyboard is enabled and configured to only show the keyboard during touch events the value defines how many milliseconds can elapse since the last time touch was seen when automatically showing the on screen keyboard. Adjust this value if the keyboard either appears at inappropriate times or doesn't appear when expected.
 TUIO settings    
 upddcommander.applicationsettings.tuio_use_websockets  0,1  
 upddcommander.applicationsettings.tuio_use_updd_posting_rate  0,1  
 Touch Behaviour    
 upddcommander.applicationsettings.gesture_detection_sensitivity  1-25  
 upddcommander.applicationsettings.jitter_smoothing  0-24  
 upddcommander.applicationsettings.hide_cursor_during_touches   0,1  Hide cursor during touches - overridden if mouse/trackpad is used.
 upddcommander.applicationsettings.touches_wake_display  0,1  
 upddcommander.applicationsettings.enable_mouse_emulation   0,1 Windows only - Commander does not perform any gesture processing. Useful if UPDD Commander is only being used for TUIO support.
When set to 1, UC is disabled and mouse emulation is re-enabled, although UC will still convert touches to TUIO.
 upddcommander.applicationsettings.palm_rejection_enabled   0,1 Indicates if palm rejection is enabled. Set also, palm_rejection_threshold below.
 upddcommander.applicationsettings.palm_rejection_threshold Integer  Defines the contact width for palm rejection. Default 15 (mm)
 Touch Gestures    
 upddcommander.applicationsettings.touch_click_nearest  0,1 Direct click to the nearest clickable UI element.
 upddcommander.applicationsettings.touch_click_nearest_threshold  Integer 15 (pixels)
 upddcommander.applicationsettings.double_tap_delay  Integer 400 (milliseconds)
 upddcommander.applicationsettings.drag_distance  Integer 10 (pixels)
 upddcommander.applicationsettings.press_time  Integer 600 (milliseconds)
 upddcommander.applicationsettings.press_visual_feedback  0,1  
 upddcommander.applicationsettings.edge_swipe_threshold Integer  10 (millimeters!)
 Smart Magnifier    
 upddcommander.applicationsettings.magnifier_width 500 integer width in pixels
 upddcommander.applicationsettings.magnifier_height 500 integer height in pixels
 upddcommander.applicationsettings.magnifier_shape 0,1  0=rectangular, 1=elliptical
 upddcommander.applicationsettings.magnifier_animated 0,1  
 upddcommander.applicationsettings.magnifier_movement 0,1,2  0=always follow touches, 1=hold still for touches inside magnifier, 2=do not follow touches
 upddcommander.applicationsettings.magnifier_follow_mouse 0,1  
 upddcommander.applicationsettings.magnifier_autohide 0,1  
 upddcommander.applicationsettings.magnifier_autohide_seconds 8  integer number of seconds
 General / miscellaneous settings    
 upddcommander.applicationsettings.show_inherited_gestures  0, When on, the settings window will display all the gestures that an application inherits from All Applications, or that an application's UI element inherits from the application itself or All Applications.
 upddcommander.applicationsettings.reset_cursor_after_action  0,1  The mouse cursor will be reset to its original position after performing a gesture action.
 upddcommander.applicationsettings.show_system_tray_icon  0,1 0 = hide, 1= show.
 upddcommander.applicationsettings.simulate_tablet_input  0,1  All mouse events posted by UPDD Commander will be posted to the system as tablet events.
 upddcommander.applicationsettings.disable_finder_icon_open_settings  0, Double clicking UPDD Commander's Finder icon will cause the settings window to open.
 upddcommander.applicationsettings.disable_tablet_input  0,1 Disable pen processing - See Note 1.
 upddcommander.applicationsettings.dont_show_settings_changed_externally_warning  0,1 UC won't show a dialog warning the user that its setting have been changed by an external application such as upddutils
 upddcommander.applicationsettings.disable_add_presets_for_installed_apps  0,1 Indicates if applications defined in the preset list are automatically added to the active application list if they are discovered on the system. They are added by default.
 upddcommander.applicationsettings.hide_default_presets  0,1 Hide the application presets in the application list
 upddcommander.applicationsettings.hide_tuio_settings  0,1 Hide the TUIO setting tab in the application settings dialog.
 upddcommander.applicationsettings.hide_touch_gestures_settings  0,1  Hide the Touch Gesture setting tab in the application settings dialog.
 upddcommander.applicationsettings.enable_reset_buttons   0,1 Enable reset buttons in global settings tabs
 upddcommander.applicationsettings.disable_gesture_api   0,1 Disables gesture API processing in Commander due to performance issue with TUIO processing. Disabled by default in Windows only.
 upddcommander.applicationsettings.extra_touch_logging   0.1 Support use to enable debug logging in the log file
 upddcommander.applicationsettings.tablet_posts_mouse_events_app_id app  For pen events received over the 'app' post mouse events - See Note 2 


  1. Pen input bypasses Command gesture processing so will automatically generate clicks and clicks and drags. A touchscreen was being used that generated both touch data but also pen data if the finger made a small (width/height) contact (finger nail?). The user was using one finger swipe left and right in a presentation system to move slides back and forth, but if pen data was received it generated a click or click and drag that affected the presentation. This setting was added to instruct Commander to ignore pen data.
  2. Pen posting were discovered to cause issues in a particular version of Chrome. This setting can be used to request that mouse events are posted rather than tablet events
    Specifies which macOS applications should receive mouse input rather than tablet input when using a pen device. The value must be a comma or space separated list of application bundle IDs.
    The bundle ID is the globally unique identifier for that application that is consistent regardless of the system language, hence needing to use that instead of the application name.
    To use this setting to prevent Google Chrome (and derived browsers) from receiving tablet input, you can set it to the following: org.chromium.Chromium