Settings backups

The article describes the UPDD settings backup cycle.

UPDD stores it’s settings in an sqlite database file, updd.db
By default automatic backups are taken of this file hourly, daily and weekly.
The database file is stored as <dataroot>updd/db/updd.db
The backups are held as <dataroot>/updd/db/bkup/<type>/<number>/db.bkp

The location of dataroot varies per operating system  as shown here.

<type> is one of 

h: Hourly
d: Daily
w: Weekly

 <number>  is

The hour of the day in 24 hour format for hourly (1-23)
The day of the week for weekly (0=Monday 6 = Sunday)
The zero based week of the month for monthly (0=first week, 3=3rd).

Windows example : c:\ProgramData\updd\db\bkup\d\0\db.bkp holds the daily backup taken on a Monday.

As the backups are limited to 24 hour / 7 days / 4 weeks and reside in separate folders then if all backups are enabled there are a maximum of 34 backups.

There are some minor variations in the above such as when the driver is not running at a specific backup trigger time.

It is not the intention of this article to detail these; the information here is intended as an overview.

These backups are held as a consequence of issues seen with updd v4/5 where settings were lost or corrupted in power fail conditions. As updd v6 uses a different settings management architecture; at the time of writing no such issues have been seen with updd v6. It might be  appropriate in some situations to disable these backups. However bear in mind they typically take very little space and might be useful in some diagnostic cases.

This can be achieved with the following setting in the bootstrap settings file.


The setting can have the following values:


Any of these settings can be abbreviated to one character and sets a backup cycle as appropriate.

Note: the “never” option was introduced at build 516