If running with mouse emulation enabled (able to use the touch screen outside of the TUIO applications) then the TUIO applications will also receive mouse emulation clicks. To exclude any application from receiving mouse emulation clicks define the names of the TUIO client applications or use the –n command line parameter when invoking the TUIO service to disable mouse emulation.
However, please note, if you must run with the system wide mouse emulation disabled and touch is used to invoke the TUIO Server software along with the TUIO client application then some form of batch file or script should be utilized that invokes both the TUIO Server and TUIO client application.
For example, under Windows you can use a VBScript file to invoke the applications, as per this example:
Tuio_bridge.vbs – file name
wScript.Echo "This is a test Script"
set objshell = CreateObject("wScript.Shell")
objShell.CurrentDirectory = "C:\Program Files\UPDD\"
objshell.run """C:\Program Files\UPDD\UPDD TUIO.exe"""
objShell.CurrentDirectory = "C:\Program Files\Application Folder\"
objshell.run """C:\Program Files\Application Folder\TUIOClientApp.exe"""